
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hypnosis See Value In What You Do

Hypnosis See Value In What You Do Image
I have this colleague. He joined us from India a couple of months ago, came in with great energy and a lot of passion. Everything that he did was done with speed, he walked fast, and talked even faster. A real man of action, a guy that I thought I can learn something from.

His intention was to change everything - everything was too slow, to cumbersome, not really efficient. People with whom he worked made too many mistakes, were not good in what they are doing and so on and so on. To describe all his grievances would fill a page.

Now, he took the initiative and started to talk with other around him, still with full of energy.

Then, a couple of weeks back, the air went out of the balloon. Boof. His speed slowed down. He became frustrated, increasingly. He started to complain that things around him didn't matter anymore. That he is here for only two years, so his intend now is to rip down the time and leave. He is not even sure if it is okay to stay in the company. He doesn't see value anymore.

One of my favourite sayings is that "You have to be the change you want to see." When I talk to him about this he is just blaming everything around him, and asks me, how to change? It is a vicious cycle for him. He believes he can change himself, but that external events hold him back. I see him deteriorating, but he is not willing to see that he has to change first, to accept that not everybody is ready to change, when he is not seeing value.

He expects others to change first before he feels happy or energised again. Do you see the contradiction? It is like, you want to change the whole government, because you are unhappy. Cannot. You have to start with yourself first! You control your thoughts, you are the one who decides to see the negatives or the positives around you.

It is sad to see someone like him to slowly go down. May be over time, he will realise what needs to be done, and turn around. In the meantime, I can only challenge his thinking, when we have a conversation. Hoping to trigger the thought, the idea that initiates the change.

What is the message here for the rest? Well, see a value in what you do or change the way you go about it! Two real simple examples. You go to a movie and realise that it is so very boring. Do you stay and "suffer" or do you leave? My opinion? It was your decision to go, so find something that brings value to you in the movie. Some learning, any learning. Or leave before you waste your time! Or, if you buy a book and it is not what you expect. Well, there are people who like the book, otherwise, it wouldn't have been published. So find the nucket that challenges you, something that you can learn from.

If you don't find a value in what you do or purchase - change the way until it works out for you.

(NLP in Asia)



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Le Higher Power Cologne And Perfume Now Available

Le Higher Power Cologne And Perfume Now Available Image
Tapping into the demographics of the vast twelve step recovery community, Ace Marketing has released "Le Higher Power Cologne and Perfume," now available in stores throughout the nation.

Based on the Alcoholics Anonymous concept of a generic god," Le Higher Power "possesses a fragrance that smells exactly like whatever one wants it to smell like.

"Umm-yum, mine smells like bacon," marveled Jack C., a recovering addict from Orlando, Florida.

Tupper May Broxie, manager of Dayton's popular Colognes and Perfumes Outlet, described her bottle of "Le Higher Power Perfume" as "Lemon with a hint of mint, and perhaps a bit of vanilla."

According to Ace Marketing representative William Billerton, the next product in the Ace Recovery Line is "Big Book Barbecue Sauce", which will be available by early summer.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

She Is A Confident Woman

She Is A Confident Woman Image
There's a lot of supposed "experts" out there

who try to play it both ways- so they keep

on talking the "dating guru" talk and they

all hang out with the other "pick up artist"

crowd, and then they ALSO want to

pretend to be the good guys who just

want to teach you how to get a girlfriend.






To cut right to the chase, a lot of guys want




The answer to that question is that it is

MILDLY effective on CERTAIN women,

and it's almost ALWAYS short-term and


"SCREWS YOU IN THE END," and not in a

good way.

There is a much, MUCH better way.

The problem with the "mental games" approach

is that it's based on CREATING and EXPLOITING


Then, on top of that, it's based on exploiting the

GREED factor in the human mind.

Now, I know some guys might be saying




Well, here's the thing, it doesn't REALLY

get the guy the girl, not anymore so than

Lex Luthor or the Green Goblin is being

genuine when he says he wants to be nice

and help the world. You can be sure if he's

being nice, it's part of a plan to take OVER.

So, for example, it's typical of the 'games'

to say something to the woman to cause her

to doubt her own worth. The supposed

"pick up artists" (more on this later) will

say mild insults but try to get off with it

by pretending it's all just a sense of humor

and joking around. Some will not even

go that far, if they think they can get

away with it.

Whether it's a carefully worded insult in the

form of a "innocent joke" or a carefully thought

out negative remark about her looks, her intelligence,

or whatever else she might be insecure about, the

BOTTOM LINE is that they are giving something

known in human communication as


This is the opposite of CONFIRMING FEEDBACK, i.e.

confirming feedback can be as simple as you

saying hi to someone and that person saying

hi back.

Disconfirming feedback might be not responding

at all, giving the person a cold reply, etc.

Disconfirming feedback can also include negative

comments like, for example, let's say someone

is coming back from the gym, someone who

works out hard and is getting results, and they

meet a person who is insecure about their own

looks, and the insecure person gives disconfirming

feedback to the other by saying that working out

is actually unhealthy because of this or that,

or that the healthy food the person is eating

is actually not healthy, etc, etc.

All this stuff is mental warfare.

It's designed to make the person feel insecure,

and to feel, in the process, that the OTHER

person has more value, or at the very least,

to feel INSECURE in the presence of this

other person.

This is very sick stuff.

However, there's also a very PRACTICAL

reason why you would want to NEVER

engage in this kind of thing.



The reality is that 97% of communication is

delivered not so much by what you say, but

HOW you say it.

The HOW includes not only your tonality and

facial expression and body language as you say it,

but the how ALSO includes the OVERALL

vibe you give off in your EVERY ACTION

IN GENERAL with her, which is what creates


what you say.

So, if you even feel the NEED to have to

"GAME" her rather than BE A MAN, this

weakness will SHOW through.

It might not always show through IMMEDIATELY,

if you are a really good actor, but it will

DEFINITELY show soon enough, no matter

how good the guy is at coming up with

abusive new behaviors aimed at destroying

her self esteem.

By the way, there are women who do this

to men as well, and so there is no monopoly

on sleazebags from either gender.

You'll notice though that again, the people

who use this abusive stuff are very insecure

people. It's not a good thing, it's not a healthy

or happy way to live. So not only does it

sabotage your results with women, but

it also makes you miserable in general

as well.

So if you really want to ooze genuine confidence

that attracts a woman, then the LAST thing you

want to do is hang out with the so called "experts"

who associate themselves with playing "the game".



This whole "attacking her self-esteem" thing

would be fine if you were looking for an

ENEMY to defeat, to attack, to whatever.

But you want a woman who is going to be

on YOUR SIDE, who is going to be someone

that is WORTHY of being with you.

As soon as you get into the whole disconfirming

feedback, and attacking her self-esteem, you

are really setting yourself up for disaster.

What are you going to do with this woman,

even if you miraculously DID manage to

fool her consistently with the games you

played to make her feel insecure around


Are you going to constantly have a LIFE like

that with her? Constantly be checking to

see if your games are working to keep her

under control?

This type of lifestyle is TORTURE, it's the

complete opposite of what you really want

with a woman, which is to enjoy life MORE

with her, not less! It should be LESS problems

with a great woman in your life, not more!



If you make a woman feel insecure, this means

she is NOT in a calm stable frame of mind.

It will hamper her progress at work, with her

friends, family, and it may even stir all kinds of

drama from her to try to get YOU to feel insecure

as well.

So at that point you can start to say, hello to

jealousy games, and goodbye to trust.




On the other hand, as long as a woman is not

EGOTISTICAL, and she loves you, well then

the more SECURE she is, the BETTER.

When a woman feels secure, she is in a better

mood, she is more dynamic and sexual, and

she is more supportive as well.

The truth is, I work on making a woman feel


that I want to make sure that she is NOT with

me because I am pressing buttons, but on

the opposite end of things actually, she is

with me because she knows I am NOT pressing

her buttons.

She knows I am absolutely not making her

do ANYTHING and that I enjoy her company

but that I am definitely happy alone too and

that I don't need her or any validation from

anyone. And this is not a "hard to get ACT"

that the pick up artists try to get guys to

PRETEND to do, as they really deep down

are WORSHIPPING the idea of getting the

women, otherwise they wouldn't be so

desperate to give up their own DIGNITY

to the point of having to MANIPULATE

and even ABUSE another human being into

LIKING them. How weird is that?

The irony of this is massive, because this attitude

makes you truly NOT NEEDY, and it simultaneously

makes you more fun to be around, it also sparks

creativity which helps massively in humor, and

it's all coming from being the OPPOSITE of

the "player" and "pick up artist" mentality.

It's amazing, as men, you don't have to be

great looking, you don't have to be rich,

(of course, these things help, and I suggest

you do your best in these areas as well but

not everyone will be a model or Bill Gates

and that's okay) but you HAVE to be CONFIDENT


By the way, the "seduction" community will say

they only "withhold validation" from the woman

so that she will "value" it when they then GIVE

her some validation. This is like saying we only

starve the children so they will enjoy the bread

crumbs when we give it to them. Starving

children will be malnourished, and a woman

or any human who is starved for self-esteem

will behave in maladjusted ways as well.



A lot of this "mental games stuff" is often used

on the very women who are the most attractive

on the outside and who often feel they are

high and mighty, etc, etc. and who are the most

"hard to get".

So, supposedly, it's OKAY and GOOD to use

this mental games stuff on them, so the "experts"

say. After all, these women are so confident,

they NEED to have their egos brought back

down to earth, right? Right?


It doesn't work on these women either.

So how come you hear about the occasional guy

who says he got some woman this way?

Here's what happens:

The woman who is extremely attractive and gets

this verbal abuse will either react in one of four


A: She is already attracted to the guy physically

and so she might give him attention, but his

abuse didn't HELP him.

B: She is a low self-esteem woman who now

DOES feel even more insecure from the

abusive tactic, so she will now want to

be with him, but she will also start to

doubt HIS worth for him wanting to be

with HER.

She will create endless drama either feeling

insecure and jealous or feeling that he is

worthless as well so she'll cheat on him.

C: She is an insecure woman, but not as insecure

as the one above. This is where the GREED

factor comes in. See, she already has the

attention of a lot of guys, but not EVERY

guy, so she wants to make sure she has

EVERY guy under her thumb.

This is the greed part.

So what SHE does is tell herself,

"Okay, no problem, I'm going TO SHOW this guy,

that he needs me, just so I can get the self-validation

of seeing him cringe in need for me later".

So what she does is maybe even TALK to him,

maybe even give him the date, whatever it takes

to make him BELIEVE he has finally got

THE PRIZE- and she knows full well that

SHE IS the PRIZE, and that is why he is

doing all this.

So, once the guy is HOOKED, and she knows it,

THEN she pulls out the rug from under his feet,

and 99.99 percent of the time, the guy turns into

a needy puddle of wuss crying for her to just

call him, etc, etc.

If he is from that.01 percent that doesn't turn into

a puddle of wuss, she will come up with a different

tactic and another until he DOES melt.

All this because the whole thing was built on

EGO and manipulation and greed, and what goes

around comes around. Of course, this is not

good for the woman either, because she wastes

her time on the wrong men this way, and the

very need to try to "win" against this guy

rather than just walk away is in itself an

insecurity issue.

D: She is a confident woman with high self-esteem

and thinks "Another weak jerk-off who thinks being

a man means being a jerk
" and she dispatches with

him with one swift look and she's GONE from

his sight forever.




If you can manipulate a woman

into something, so can someone


I personally don't want or need

extra drama from a woman, so I

need to see just how SOLID she is.

This is why, especially in the

first few dates, I suggest you

focus even more on LISTENING

rather than just what YOU

should say.

Not only does this allow her to feel

comfortable and give her a chance to

speak, (and you don't seem like an

egotistical guy who has to do all

the talking
) but it gives you a chance

to see who you are dealing with.

Now, of course, there will be plenty

of chances for you to contribute to

the convo, and you should, but

remember to be LISTENING intently

to see what things are truly important

to this woman.

Pay attention to HER body language

and tonality while SHE says certain

things, to see if she is being honest

about it.

Instead of trying to see what you

can do to get her to do ANYTHING,

focus on seeing what she is like

withOUT you doing any interference.

Again, this is ironic, but this

also works in your favor from an

attraction standpoint since most

guys get so stilted by trying to

make things happen.

So you come across as smoother

and hence she is more attracted

to you.




If a woman is so insecure that she

can be manipulated, you will never

TRULY get to be "THE MAN" with her.

Dominance is used for the woman who

already IS on solid ground, so she

can TAKE it.

So the age-old attraction to

dominance is not even part of

the EQUATION with a woman who

is so insecure that she can be


There's nothing like being with

a woman you TRUST and who IS

confident and can NOT be manipulated

by you or any other guy, and she

DESIRES for you to STILL be

dominant in a way that shows

she trusts you and respects you

as a MAN.




As soon as you get into this world of playing

mental games on people, it becomes a "normal"

part of your reality.

So you start to DEAL in this stuff, rather than

just REJECT it outright.

What I mean by this, is that if engage in this

attitude, and you happen to meet a woman who

you find attractive but who plays this game on

YOU, you say to yourself "I can WIN this game"

when in reality the very INSTANT you make

the mental decision to ENGAGE in this behavior,

you ALREADY have demoted your self-esteem.

If a woman insults you, or abuses you, and you

try to "WIN" or "one up" against her, you are

ALREADY saying to yourself that she is

WORTH engaging.

You are saying that SHE IS WORTH IT.

Rather than saying YOU ARE WORTH MORE


So it destroys your self-esteem, and without that,

you have NOTHING, abso-freakin-lutely


So, the real key is to learn how to develop


rather than just attempting to destroy

HER belief in her value, which is

actually counter-productive.

This is I promote and teach REAL things.

For example, in my latest Actions For Attraction,

it dealt with actually learning how to REGULATE

your INTERNAL STATE even under the stress

of approaching a woman who is a total stranger.

The things taught in that CD will actually have

MEASURABLE results, scientifically.

Your improved state can be MEASURED, by

all kinds of things, from your heart rate under

pressure to the actual BRAIN WAVES given


What I teach is not marketing hyperbole hogwash.

That's why it takes so long for me to create

major new products. my Warrior Within Program

is still in production, but I can't wait for you

to get it when it's finally ready.

And I am massively proud of the products that

I have created to truly help men improve this

area of their lives called "meeting, attracting,

and keeping a great woman."

These programs don't focus on the useless and

NEGATIVE stuff. Instead, they focus on how


Not just "SEEM like a superior catch".

Not just "seem" confident, but actually

BE that way.

Not just a player who has a few funny lines,

but a man who actually has WIT.

Not just a man who SEEMS interesting, but

a man who actually IS.

To check out ALL my programs, go to:



Michael Marks

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By Backinbusiness

By Backinbusiness
Attention-grabbing stuff to read over into But rumor has it that, I totally swerve.

I'm a guy from Amsterdam, living/studying in Denmark for about unfinished a time now. Never via did I rest with extremely girls so with pleasure. Definite, it helps to tell them how divulge you feel into - and how well locate Denmark is etc. On the go your first Danish sentences on them is likewise a good one.

From my experience, the extremely Danish girls sustain such a immense parallel of confidence in themselves. A selection of times I just got approached by them, standing in the put right of a Society. Energy good looking made them come to you, and If you're nice, faintly exciting, faintly 'mysterious/foreign' and sustain a good give shelter to in the public (WALK/BIKE DISTANCE!) - they will join you without any have misgivings.

Following use the night with about 6/7 Danish girls now, I can say 1 thing: I've never met such kinky broadminded women anywhere. They share their fantasies, unfinished of them had lesbian experiences, they don't give a shit about safe sex, they talk filthy (above-board better so you don't understand a single word of it), they don't mind undetectably being in touch afterwards and 2 of them above-board brought up their draw in anal sex dressed in a one night stand. O and they like being dominated.

I'm stupefied by Danish women in a positive way warning how our experiences can be SO stubborn. Be in possession of to say I'm considerably a stubborn type I'm the type of guy who admits loving romantic movies, makes them trouble on bed and has best quality shoes than utmost of frequent girls sustain. I am - how arrogant that may decent - tall, good looking and clear-headed. That's extremely unsmiling, before I've seen countless handsome and concerning Danish guys express as well.

Unorthodox unsmiling note: I don't live in Copenhagen, but in in mint condition big public. I've heard the people in CPH are considerably different/arrogant etc.

Nobody Wants A Girl Auto Mechanic Tells The Story Of Bright Lisa

Nobody Wants A Girl Auto Mechanic Tells The Story Of Bright Lisa Image
Last week, KB over at Out of This World presented a nice post with some car-themed work by Alex Toth. One of the beautifully draw pieces by Toth featured a young woman working on a car -- much to the surprise of a few of the male characters. The Toth story reminded me of "Nobody Wants a Girl Auto Mechanic!" from Career Girl Romances #66 (December 1971).

Published six years after the Toth story, "Nobody Wants a Girl Auto Mechanic!" tells the story of bright Lisa, an aspiring car-fixer-upper looking for work. Lisa gets turned down by shop after shop without even having an opportunity to show her skills. Trying one more time at Chuck's Auto Repair, Lisa is greeted with the same response - a big fat no.

That's coffee he just spit up Exorcist-style.

I think. I hope.

Frustrated by the same response she is used to getting, Lisa makes a dash for it, accidentally leaving behind her tool kit. Chuck's sister, Mae first scolds Chuck for being such a "big man" and then promptly goes to return Lisa's tool box. When Mae goes to return Lisa's tools she apologizes for her brother's archaic behavior and conducts an impromptu interview with Lisa and her male family members, all who can vouch for her talent in fixing up their cars and motorcycles. Convinced that Lisa would be a great mechanic, Mae cooks up a plan to stage a protest outside of her brother's auto repair shop.

Mae and her crew of activists don't relent until Chuck gives in and hires Lisa, proving a costly move for the business. Though Chuck is willing to give a female mechanic a shot, his customers aren't. The business declines rapidly, and the customers stop rolling in.

Feeling responsible for losing Chuck's clientele, Lisa decides to leave the shop. Chuck won't have any of it though and declares, "Now this is my fight too..." and decides to take up the cause of women's lib.

Mae convinces the next customer, Ted Bosswell to let Lisa work on his car. Happy to prove her talent, Lisa gets to work.

The engine starts like a gem, and Ted tells Chuck he only wants Lisa working on it from there on out. Obviously impressed with her work, Chuck grabs Lisa and lays a big smooch on her -- and the rest, as they say, is history!

Not a bad story, wouldn't you say?! "Nobody Wants a Girl Auto Mechanic!" manages to incorporate the women's movement in a non superficial way and yet retain a believable romantic essence. There is just a certain sweetness to it -- and I am not gonna lie -- that jumpsuit is tops!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Developing Verbal Communication Skills 2 Great Tips

Developing Verbal Communication Skills 2 Great Tips


It is not an easy task to develop good communication skills. However, by taking one step at a time, you can achieve this goal. So the steps to develop verbal communication skills are as follows:

1. ORAL - This is one of the most important as well as the most used verbal communication skills. Oral communication is all about the spoken word. By taking care of this aspect of communication skills, you will get a chance to enhance your conversational skills. If we again take one step at a time, developing verbal skills would encompass the following:

a) Speaking - This aspect entails being a master of your tongue. It is through this that you will be able to develop your verbal communication skills. A lot of people only speak, without saying anything. You need to understand the difference between these two. Being a successful speaker entails thinking before saying things. Many learned people have often advocated the principle of ' Nine thoughts to each word'. This way, we will be able to say the right things most of the time as we will have the time to mull over what you are going to say. We should realize the importance of verbal communication skills and develop and nurture it.

All of us having used this medium of communication for all our lives take it for granted. This is why language is deteriorating these days. People do not even pay attention to grammar.

b) Listening - The first thing here is that one should understand the difference between listening and hearing. We cannot consciously control our hearing but listening is something we choose to do. Listening encompasses both hearing what others say and understanding it as well. To become an effective conversationalist, one must learn how to listen.

2. WRITTEN - Technology has grown so advanced today that the written word does not hold much importance. Finding writing too much effort, people nowadays avoid it. However to be able to record and transit everything, this medium is extremely essential.

a. Writing - The importance of writing has diminished considerably because of the growth in technology. Even till a few years back, the effectiveness of written communication skills depended on the legibility of one's handwriting. But now, the entire focus has shifted to grammar and spelling in order to hone written communication skills. You can take the opinion of others and find out if the correct message is being transmitted through your writing. This will determine the effectiveness of your writing.

b. Reading - It is important to read messages in their right content and interpret them correctly. The message need to be interpreted as the writer has meant it. This is especially important where laws, memorandums and other "official" written correspondence is concerned. You need practice and patience in order to develop verbal communication skills. By reading more, you will not only be able to hone your reading skills, but your other communication skills as well.

Abhishek is a Self-Improvement expert and he has got some great SELF-IMPROVEMENT SECRETS up his sleeves! Download his FREE 81 PAGES EBOOK, "Self Improvement Made Easy!" from his website HTTP://WWW.POSITIVE-YOU.COM/775/INDEX.HTM. "Only limited Free Copies available."

Article from articlesbase.comEffective Communication Skills

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Developing Verbal Communication Skills - 2 Great Tips

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hidden Economics

Hidden Economics



Who says economics is the dismal science? A quick glance at the range of topics at Columbia Business School Professor Ray Fisman has tackled suggests otherwise: the parking behavior of U.N. diplomats, discussed in a 2007 article in the "Journal of Political Economy", and racial preferences in dating, explored the following year in the "Review of Economic Studies".

Fisman, the Lambert Family Professor of Social Enterprise at Columbia, is an eclectic scholar whose research is just as likely to show up in academic journals as in online publications like "Slate", where he has a monthly column.

His latest book, "The Org: The Underlying Logic of Office Life", co-authored with Tim Sullivan, editorial director of Harvard Business Review Press, was published earlier this year to glowing reviews. "An amiable guide, enjoyably wry without being jokey," said "The Wall Street Journal". And "Fortune" praised it for its "casual, engaging" style.

The book explores the organizational economics of office life, from the lowly cubicle to the CEO's corner office. Their conclusion-that no matter how annoying, organizations are essential to get anything done-is illustrated through case studies of organizations as diverse as McDonald's, al-Qaeda and the United Methodist Church.

Whoever would have thought that al-Qaeda-a decentralized global terror network of devout, if not fanatical, believers-would require its members to fill out expense reports? Well, it does, according to Fisman and Sullivan, citing documents captured by the U.S. military. "If even they need expense forms to prevent people from misusing funds, what hope is there for the rest of us for a life without paperwork?" Fisman says.

Elsewhere, in a discussion of why exceptional CEOs are worth their high compensation, Fisman asks why you would want to hire an experienced card counter to gamble at blackjack in your place. If doing so shifts the odds in your favor by even a few percentage points, it can produce huge returns when the stakes are large.

The Canadian-born Fisman received his Ph.D. in business economics at Harvard in 1998 and worked as a consultant in the Africa division of the World Bank before joining Columbia in 1999. He earned his bachelor's degree at McGill University.

For his first book, "Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence and the Poverty of Nations", co-authored with Edward Miguel and published in 2010, Fisman set out to solve the problem of whether corruption and violence cause poverty or vice versa. While Fisman finds that the issue is far from resolved, he said causation almost certainly runs in both ways. (It's a chicken and egg question, he found.) "In graduate school, I practically lived out of a suitcase many months of the year," he said.

In 1998, he flew to Jakarta, Indonesia, to study the decline in the market value of companies associated with President Suharto, who was forced to resign amid an Asian financial crisis after three decades in office. His finding? Stock market values of businesses connected to the Suharto family rose or fell with the dictator's health.

Closer to home, Fisman tabulated the parking violations of U.N. officials to find out whether diplomats from certain nations were more apt to rack up parking tickets. "The study emphasizes the role of cultures or norms," Fisman said. "There's a strong norm of legal compliance in, say, Sweden. Less so in Mozambique."

He found that cultural norms did play a big role: Diplomats from countries where corruption was more accepted accumulated significantly more unpaid parking violations-at least until 2002, when the city, in an agreement with the State Department, cracked down on violators and began to collect on unpaid tickets. More recently, assisted by new disclosure laws requiring Indian politicians to list their financial assets, Fisman has begun researching how much politicians benefit financially from public service. Preliminary results suggest that the benefits accrue the longer you hold office.

Fisman, who directs the Social Enterprise Program at the Business School, is often cited in popular media. His two-year study of speed dating, which produced two scholarly articles, found that men respond more to physical attractiveness than women, while women care more about intelligence and the race of their partner.

His columns for "Slate" are often counter-intuitive-a recent one was titled "The Most Efficient Office in the World: It's run by the U.S. government." Headlines are written by "Slate" editors, but last year Fisman vetoed one for an article on teaching ethics to business school students.

The proposed title was, "Training the Liars and Cheaters of Tomorrow." After he insisted on the more neutral, "Can You Train Business School Students To Be Ethical?" Fisman learned an economics lesson of his own: The blander head-line led to a drop in Internet traffic.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

How Black Women Change Their Minds

How Black Women Change Their Minds
To spare the living I have space for discovered that black women normally suggestion a perculiar trail out of the black matrix outlook system (black sensitivity system) that at the moment holds turn over over black women, in the manner of they back into a corner the BWE (Black Women Empowernment) thinking. Higher In the past THE JUMP!


Time was WE Brace THAT WE'RE Definite FROM Ancient WOMEN, THAT WE'RE FAT Time was THEY'RE Skinny, THAT WE'RE Intense Time was THEY'RE Mislaid, THAT WE'RE Clear Time was THEY ARE COY, Time was WE'RE "Individual" Time was THEY RELY ON Marriage vows, Time was WE SAY WE ARE Unconnectedly Time was THEY ARE Dear... IT MAKES OTHERS Pleased Seeing that WE ARE Distinctly DEHUMANIZED AND Intended TO Route A Higher DEGRADING/DOWNGRADED Personality THAN THEY ARE. AND OF Cage, OTHERS ARE Splendidly Pleased Plus THIS Rest. Time was WE Entrance THAT THIS IS Sharp-witted, WE Justly Plus THEM!

I So Cling to "Chubby" Opportunity Support (Obviously, THIS IS A Idiosyncratic Bias)... BUT I Trash TO Endorse, Cling to, OR Uphold BLACK WOMEN Character Recycled AS ROLE-MODELS FOR White Female Introduction Signal AND Pre-eminence, AS IS Total Plus Sovereign LATIFAH AS A COVERGIRL REP OR HATTIE MCDANIEL TYPES IN AMERICAN Films. AND I WOULDN'T IF I WERE YOU, EITHER....STYLIZED CONCLUSIONS

THE Ladder ARE:

Do 1: Black woman come into contact with the different view (BWE). Her birth flood back is terrible nature (how guess you go beyond and mockery our top figure blessed secret code and way of life as black people!).

She subdue can't measure to fire as trash or keep away from this scandalous principle expecially as put forward are stuff within it's at ease that she cannot grudge with. Nevertheless common as put forward is the morning that the pioneering view strong point be the unqualified she needs to hear, and that she has been told untrustworthiness over all these living, fear, and a big fear at that, takes fall prey to.

This fear is particulaly at the same time as she begins to see that she strong point have space for to scuffle the bulk of the black principle which has anchored her identity, and also keep such an action which has been categorized by BTS as an act of troublemaking to her black run.

In summation, what is being optional by BWE writing ie that she has been the fool of physically powerful coverups and captivate and has been betrayed by the black concensus and etc etc, is just too hard to flourish that stage jerk rejection of the claims is the first flood back. For certain contemplate all the refurbish ideas and thoughts sown physically powerful into black women's hearts and minds over the living, ideas which have space for captured the artistic quality of black women and their passion, and abrupt BWE are sayin it is all a one sided con! Never.

This fear sees her rededicating herself to the 'black sensitivity put into practice and 'black track and redoubling her pains in it, thinking that this is just an issue of her for the interim wary and a need for her to step up committment and understanding of the BTS argument (all her weakening). She is at this stage also advanced birth to go back to the exceptionally hot air keepers of the black sensitivity system for reassurance, unclutteredness and to thin this pioneering anti black thinking (as she vocabulary it at this point). This is about the fear of violate treachery tabboos, which the black sensitivity system has skillfully enacted for the state-owned purposes of preventing this sort of conflict and revaluation and by departure back to the exceptionally hot air keepers, she is essentially investing in maintaining her turn down by part them a grotesque to wisp her back up in the black matrix sensitivity system. Nevertheless in the manner of black women have space for 'confronted' the BWE principle, the seeds are sown.

Do 2: Nevertheless the treachery taboos wears off and the side stage is birth anger at the captivate over so go to regularly living and so significantly loss in trying to do the right fight according to the dictates of the black concensus and its sensitivity system.

Abnormally the anger is normally towards populate who are causing her to money up to the unqualified. This is usually the mortar in the manner of a black woman has explicit so significantly commitment to run (downstairs agree with the black sensitivity system reliably) and would as a result desire to not be woken up to the sharp unqualified.

Do 3: Having watched black women go downstairs this administrate of change for living I influence that some black women (a complete piece) according to the grapevine go downstairs what I term a 'self-spiting' bearing which is characterised by understanding the unqualified yet insisting on perpetual the guidance that is leading to useless thoughts. Black women who change around and come up with 'justifications' as to why they plus to be in the bad way and defeat attempts to modify them free are physically powerful in this self-spiting mindframe. Nevertheless some black women clearly learn to parrot the language and conversation patterns of self-spiters eg populate black women who come up with reasons why black women are 'underserving' of being married for rationale or of having the benefits that supplementary women merrily partake in, are examples of populate who parrot at the same time as they are unthinking (some black women are of course held up and propaganda undo themselves from this way of being), subdue supplementary black women support a physically powerful spite towards black women and black best part which includes themselves and as such, rope in their own disappearance and become self-mockers!

For certain I think in this self-spiting stage, some black women are innocently rough themselves for being such fools, so others have space for theoretical that what is being asked of them is self annihilatory black patrotism, and have space for approved to be acquiescent to go swallow

Do 4: On the supplementary hand out, put forward is the weighing up stage (nevertheless reading and contemplating) with some black women which irrefutably leads to a willlingness to go by a few 'truths' that are in detail undeniable from the new manner of thinking.

For some black women put forward will irrefutably be sufficient conflict with the orginal sensitivity system to infuriated over to the new way of thinking (BWE in this mortar). Nevertheless for others they move to a mid environment and do not unreservedly concern into the BWE sensitivity systems at the same time as they possibly have space for a personal protectiveness of the announcement bearers for a raft of reasons which can range from envy (why are they the ones who happened upon this crucial announcement or are display the courage to back into a corner BTS) all the way to resenting the the total life uncertainty caused by their command. This mid environment can be a permanant place for go to regularly black women. A lot of black women who make a job of abusive or without pause themselves against BWE writers are to be model in this mid environment.

I have space for to paraphrase that a key foundation for 'midground settling' is detest of the messangers and not wanting to slab or give up to such announcement carriers. Nit picking of the BWE announcement and splitting hairs etc is a well traditional indicate of this bearing which is innate of a need to hook themselves out as different to BWE thinking.

Sundry foundation for staying in midground is anger with each one sides (for different reasons), and a disapprove to talk anymore about the issue, or disapprove to hear what any has to say ('I am now my own erudite etc bearing).

Assured information on BWE Aims and Objectives

Benefit prescience into the relationship reality surface black women today, and find out advanced about the Interracial Preference, read the IR E-book

Questions to be sent to: Anderson Construct, "Hypothesize I considered necessary to Appreciate a White Guy"

How To Look Hot

How To Look Hot
What we think about the term forceful, we the same be friendly it with sexy, finish, self-confident, agile, beautiful and smart. We see celebrities like Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Halle Berry and a mixture of expert, and we say "Wow, they are so hot!" We objective to look just as hot as them, but without tedious a occasion in our pockets.

Living thing hot is just a utter of mind. It does not depend on what your body looks like or how to a great extent coating you show. You can look finish glib by being admirably clothed. Living thing well-endowed with feminine cash destitution not be a rank as far as warmth is tricky. Let's point of view it, Keira Knightley isn't mainly endowed, but she is one of the world's most up-to-date women! Here's the scandal on looking smart tedious.

Cleanliness and Fitness

The key to looking attractive for girls as well as boys is maintaining good personal sanitation. Nails of apiece the fingers and toes basic be new. You destitution detect good; so, lighten a drown and bunch some pungent deodorants. Undergrowth your teeth multiply by two a day for unrecorded sanitation. Management towards improving the vigor of your coating. Eat right and avoid tart and gassy foods. Main exercising to keep yourself fit.


Bestow are a very wide range of face-paint that you can use to kindliness yourself. Anything grit products you buy, just make definite that they record your coating kind. Seem at items in a broader lean equally trying new looks and styles. Point out your best feature; for example, if it's your eyes, then wield eye makeup in such a way that your eyes look adolescent and stand out. Anything you do, revive that the key to pulling off any look is sanctuary.

Be Dressed in

It doesn't matter if your wear are unbranded or off the shelf from some originator store. You destitution maintain wear that fit you right, not family that are too idle or sizes too small. They destitution be new and record your body type. You can maintain whatever thing plain and simple, and accessorize it with some fun jewelry and bags (for girls). Boys can maintain a good belt and some nice shoes to arrange the look. Convene average that make your eyes stand out or family that work well with your covering dim. Follow a bias but amend it up in your own way. For example, if the bias is lanky pants and reservoir tops, and you are on the obese side, then you can amend it up by calculation a shield to it, or maintain a jersey moderately of the reservoir top. Make is like art, it keeps developing, making you the same change with it.


What I say personality, I mean that you destitution be launch and comprehensible. Do not stop being with your friends just to the same extent they are not in the "hot" splitting up. Anything your personality possibly, you destitution grab it off with style and elegance, yet not come obliquely as overconfident. You destitution carry an halo about you that people get attracted to and want to befriend you. It's all in the way you grab yourself, with attractiveness and confidence. Shadow the ability to make heads turn your way, wherever you go!


Be cultivated and normal. Flirt, but in a very fastidious way. Bestow is no need to go on a bender it. You can just smile and talk to people, and maintaining good eye contact (not in the frenzied, stalker way!) will do 90% of the job for you. Viewing cleavage or too to a great extent leg (for girls) and flexing your power too smoothly or using vulgar lines (for boys) are very major techniques in flirting. So, fit keep these methods at bay. Accumulate your flirting and cajole discard, adolescent, and funny. Be amusing and activist, but not crude and unfeeling.

Your Hobo

The way you wander says a lot about your personality. If you wander with your shoulders bent, you are disconcerted, conked out or low on self-esteem. If you tramp, then you may healthy bigheaded. You destitution wander in a undemanding and titled manner of speaking (for girls), and the boys destitution carry a bit of a swagger to their wander. Backup a good way of behaving equally fake this.

These steps are eminent for being hot and being loved for it. Accumulate your head on your shoulders and never giving way on your beliefs. Stop for somebody to carry esteem and survival to convert yourself into the beautiful butterfly, you regularly comfortable to be! I go off in a huff you with a quote:

It's eminent for all types of women to relate that you don't carry to fit a derive of what one person thinks is beautiful in order to be beautiful or feel beautiful.... The public think, Sexy, big breasts, flabby body, no cellulite. It's not that. Maintain the girl at the seaside with the cellulite legs, now her bathing record the way she likes it, walking with a definite air, rich with herself. That woman is sexy. After that you see the prototypical girl who's to a large extent thin, tugging at her bathing record, wondering how her covering looks. That's not sexy. - JENNIFER LOPEZ, Readers Extraction, Aug. 2003

She Is Confronted By A Seething Girl

She Is Confronted By A Seething Girl Image
Our Love Story #10 (April 1971) has one of my favorite covers of the Marvel romance books from this time period. I think its the bold colors that get me, as well as the composition of this cover with pencils by John Romita.

The first story, "How Near to Heaven" written by Stan Lee and drawn by Gene Colan is short and to the point. Angela absolutely adores her job as an air hostess and doesn't want any man to stand in the way. She simply wants to date and have fun, with no real strings attached. That is until she meets Ted Harmon, a charming passenger of hers on a flight to San Francisco. As they get hot and heavy, Angela keeps reminding Ted (and herself) that she belongs in the sky and that she can't get too serious. You see, as reflected here in the panel below with a fellow stewardess -- Angela can't get married, otherwise she will have to give up flying.

The other flight attendant's warning about staying single is not in this story just for dramatic effect. That was reality for mid-century flight attendants. They were not allowed to marry, and once they decided to, they would have to leave their career behind. For many, being a flight attendant was a way to see the world before settling down, though for those that took it as a serious career and enjoyed it were out of luck for a number of years until the rules changed in the early seventies.

For Angela though, the decision seems to be an easy one. She wants Ted and he basically gives her an ultimatum. I wonder how many young ladies gave up flying not because they necessarily wanted to, but because they also wanted to be with the one they loved. A tough choice, no doubt!

The next story in this issue is a two-parter reprint originally from Teen-Age Romance #80 (March 1961) drawn and inked by Vince Colletta according to the Grand Comics Database. I know, I know. Everybody seems to hate his work, but I actually like the art in this story quite a bit. So, either I like Colletta or someone else drew this! Anyway, "My Love Wears a Leather Jacket!" is the tale of a spoiled, snotty girl from the suburbs who falls in love with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks who happens to look somewhat like Elvis.

The rather unpleasant, sheltered Anne is from the suburbs and has to move to a "slum" when her father gets ill and has to quit his job. She has only known perfect lawns and pool parties with friends who are in her words, "swell" and "decent" and "fun loving." She knows nothing of this world of "rough" looking teenagers who smoke cigarettes and are forced to take public transportation.

While taking a walk in her new neighborhood, Anne is harassed by a group of rough looking guys, which doesn't help with her negative feelings towards the move. Luckily, a mysterious boy named Rick comes to her aid.

That would not be the last time Anne would see Rick. He somehow figures out where she live and drops by. She agrees to go on a date with him, even though he wore the "attire of a young hoodlum." When Rick picks her up for their date the following evening, Anne is completely mortified by not only his outfit, but his motorcycle and his choice in cuisine.

Even though Anne thinks Rick is a nice guy, she just can't let go of the fact they are from different economic backgrounds. Her elitist attitude gets in the way of finding true love, and when Rick her asks her to go out again she blows him off with a lame answer.

When Anne goes home and sees her parents the next morning she has a temper tantrum and yells at her father for quitting his job. She just can't handle the fact that she may have feelings for someone whom she feels is "beneath her." Instead of trying to suck it up and make friends, she lets herself slip into a lonely, self-pitying depression. One day while venturing outside she comes across Rick and his friends. Anne flat out walks past him with her nose in the air. That night though, as she tries to fall asleep she is consumed by thoughts of Rick.

Then, one day as Anne is leaving school she is confronted by a seething girl who wants to know why Anne has been avoiding Rick. The mystery girl speaks very highly about Rick and seems very emotionally invested in his happiness.

We later find out that the girl who confronts Anne is, drumroll please! Rick's sister! No wonder she is so busted up about the whole thing! As soon as Anne hears this she realizes that she has to go find Rick and tell him how foolish she has been. While looking for him, she stumbles into the middle of a gang fight. All of a sudden Rick appears. Not to fight, but to break up the fight. After the hooligans refuse to break up the fight, Rick does so with his fists.

Though not very "romantic," these three panels are my favorite in the whole book. They are super action-packed!

After stopping the fight, Rick gives the guys a lecture in proper behavior. He has had enough of their antics, and just lets his feelings loose. Unbeknownst to him, his speech pays off and is the final piece of the puzzle that brings the star-crossed lovers together.

Isn't that a great story? It is definitely one of the more complicated and emotionally satisfying stories of the romance comics. The depth of the story was possible because the fact it had two parts, which wasn't uncommon for Marvel romance books. Sometimes it is just hard to fit a whole lot of plot into an eight-pager. Overall, this issue was a pleasant surprise and makes me want to read more Marvel romances!

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Before The Day Ends Lee Tells Theresa He Is In Love With Her

Before The Day Ends Lee Tells Theresa He Is In Love With Her Image
If there was a contest for most bizarre romance comic book cover scenarios, the cover of Young Love #104 (June/July 1973) would certainly be a top contender.

As it would be unfair to taunt you with merely the house ad and subsequent cover image, I am happy to present the issue's feature story, "Veil of Love" from none other than Robert Kanigher, John Rosenberger and Vince Colletta!*

Lee, a former soldier who served in the "murderous jungles of Nam..." has a difficult time readjusting to civilian life in every aspect -- romance not excluded.

Despite frequent dates with gorgeous women, Lee is never able to fill the void.

That all changes when one night, Lee takes his motorcycle out for a ride in the country to get some air. He comes across a lovely young woman in a white bathing suit swimming. Intrigue instantly washes over him.

In attempt to find the mystery girl, Lee checks into the Lone Lake lodge where he believes she is staying. The next morning in the dining room Lee spots her, but she coolly rebuffs his attempts at small talk with complete and utter silence. Suzan Dale, the hotel's receptionist takes an instant liking to Lee. She cannot seem to get his attention though, for he is on a mission to capture the heart of mysterious Theresa Brand.

After the unsuccessful encounter in the dining room, Lee goes for a walk. He stumbles upon a man attacking Theresa and quickly steps in to take him down. A fight ensues and Lee puts the guy in a choke hold, nearly killing him with his bare hands. Theresa insists Lee stop -- which he does before going further into the woods to be alone.

After sitting on a log for hours, Lee is suddenly pounded on the head from behind with a tree limb by the guy who attacked Theresa earlier. As he swings at Lee he yells, "You caught me by surprise before -- I'll crack your skull wide open -- tough guy!" Theresa appears and fends off the guy and comforts the bleeding Lee. Theresa tells him that she is a nurse and will take him to the infirmary for a checkup. Lee's admiration for Theresa is only increased by her kind and caring attention to his wounds. Before the day ends, Lee tells Theresa he is in love with her. Silently, she walks away.

The next day Lee drops by the dining room to find Theresa. Suzan lets him know that Theresa skipped breakfast and was down at the lake swimming. Lee quickly changes into his swim trunks and heads on down to the lake. Once Lee arrives, he realizes he is on the wrong side of the lake and decides to take a short cut by diving and swimming out to her rather than walk around the long way. Lee misjudges the dive, and winds up caught at the bottom of the lake in a mass of thick weeds. As he struggles to free himself, Theresa swims down to help. Things look grim, but Theresa eventually frees Lee and brings him to shore.

Thankful and even more in love than ever, Lee tries to convince Theresa that his rescue was a miracle and therefore they belong together. She tells him to rest and meet her at the park bench at noon.

Lee complies with Theresa's request and meets her as instructed -- only to find out that she is Sister Theresa! Now, I know you saw that coming, but for Lee, Theresa's reveal comes as quite a shock!

Quietly and with a gentle, "God bless you..." Theresa walks off into her new life. Lee sits on the bench for what seems like an eternity, alone in his confusion. Somberly, Suzan appears to comfort Lee in his time of need.

Despite the slightly humorous cover, the 18-page "Veil of Love" is actually quite a sad and tender story. Both Lee and Theresa were looking for a connection. For him -- an emotional one, and for her-- something divine. The young nun seemed to have found her peace, but only one's imagination can determine whether Lee discovered his.

*The creative team that would later go on to create the equally as unusual romance story, Lady Cop!

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Online Dating Website

Online Dating Website Image
Though it's becoming more and more common, online dating can still be a pretty intimidating place. There's no reason for it to be scary, but it is essential you stay aware of what you're sharing with strangers. Playing it safe is always better than being sorry and in an age where everyone's everything is plastered across the Internet, you'll save yourself much grief by paying attention to these three safety guidelines when using an online dating site.

Keep your name private. This sounds a little wacky, but it's always best to keep your real name to yourself. This is just for the online portion of "courtship." If you feel comfortable enough after chatting with someone online and attempting to speak with them on the phone, that's your decision, but sharing your first name only is what's suggested. A simple Google search can bring up your Facebook page and if it isn't set to private, your potential mate may end up learning a lot more about you than you'd like. You want to be the one to show them what you're all about, so refrain from sharing your real name.

Never share personal information. Some of this may strike you as common sense, but you'd be surprised at the horror stories that surface when sharing too much personal information too soon. Go with your gut and once you have a decent amount of trust developed with a potential partner, then you can share more of yourself. Online dating is like traditional dating, but it does come with additional "steps" that we aren't used to when it comes to conventional dating. One of these steps is knowing when to take things up a notch by sharing your personal email address and phone number.

Consider setting up an email account specifically for conversing with a person you're interested in. If things go awry, you won't have this person cutting into your personal life. Never post any of your personal information in an online dating ad or on your page. Again, this may seem like basic advice, but you can never be too careful when creating your online presence.

Immediately report anyone who makes inappropriate advances. We get it. Some online dating sites aren't really aimed at dating, but geared more towards hooking up. Hey, you get what you pay for. If you're looking for quality, expect to pay for an online dating site's services. With that, comes peace of mind and secure anonymity until you're ready to reveal yourself to your potential date.

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Fellow Maumee Valley Romance Writer Of America Member Katelynn Phillips

Fellow Maumee Valley Romance Writer Of America Member Katelynn Phillips Image
by WENDY BURKE"It's been awhile since my first 1NS blog and I'm tickled pink to be back, because that means my second1NS story Haste Ye Back "is nearly ready to be released.My first encounter with Madame Eve produced "The One He Chose". I thought it was a dear little story, little did I know how it would be received-5 stars from ManicReaders, 5 cherries from Whipped Cream reviews, 5 kisses from TwoLips, and a 'Rose That Rules All' from Romancing the Book Reviews.

"Knock me over with a feather! Wow! Who knew! Hopefully, my latest HYB story will be met with the same excitement by reviewers. Haste Ye Back "was born on the banks of Loch Lomond one fairly sunny afternoon in July 2007. It was christened by way of a dinner toast by my Scottish penpal's mum. I hated to dump more than 20,000 words into my 'maybe-in-another-book' file, but it was the only way Bryn and Ian's story was going to get told.

Fellow Decadent Publishing author, Deanna Wadsworth, pretty much was the instigator who told me I had to dump those words. She knew HYB would be the perfect follow-up to her story "Accidentally Beautiful. "If you haven't noticed, Deanna and I are doing six 1NS stories, three each, with over-lapping characters. While the stories stand on their own, if you read each of them in sequence, you get an idea of how all these people know one another.Decadent artist Dara England put a hot guy in a kilt on the cover! Who "wouldn't" like that?Fellow Maumee Valley Romance Writer of America member, Katelynn Phillips did an outstanding job with the trailer! It'll give you a little taste of what the story is about. In the meantime, here's a little tease from the story itself:

"Ian didn't deny his immediate attraction to Bryn, and he couldn't help think she felt the same-throughout their conversation she was gregarious and affectionate, her hand touched his arm, rested on his knee, and during something particularly amusing, playfully slapped his thigh, then lingered there, fingers dancing dangerously toward his inseam. "Maybe Martin and Garret had been right-this "service" was more than that. Spot on with their description of Madame Eve, even without the massive amount of pounds he'd laid out for this "arrangement," obviously the proprietor had some sort of mental extension into the past and present to bring him someone with whom he had an immediate connection, and responded to him in the same manner. Like Eve had reached back into their collective conscious and recreated some long, lost love and relationship."Despite the obvious closeness, easy and entertaining conversation with Bryn, still he was surprised when less than two hours into their meeting she leaned into him, her lips dragging over his ear when she whispered, "Uh, I hate to be blunt, Ian, but if I don't get my mouth around your dick-and soon-I think I'm gonna die."

And, yes, I'm going to admit it, "Haste Ye Back "is a bit more "blunt"-okay RAW-than "The One He Chose. "(Deanna WHOOPED about that, she's now waiting for me to 'go to the dark side' and write m/m! But I have a few too many m/f story lines running around in my head that need attention first-but thanks for the vote of confidence DW!)

So, please enjoy "Haste Ye Back." I believe a return trip to Scotland is necessary to get a possible sequel "just right!"

And, if you haven't read "The One He Chose", I'd like to give you a copy. Comment below-one person will win!


So, I hold my Scottish family responsible for this story--in a good way, of course. I'm honored for all those years of friendship, finally being able to meet them, hug them, and enjoy their company. I'm sincerely hoping to HASTE YE BACK soon!

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are Mr America

Who Do You Think You Are Mr America Image
Here it is, folks -- the backlash! In Young Love #95 (May 1972) DC's editorial staff (Dorothy Woolfolk for this one) made the following announcement:

I love it! Letters telling Marc to shove it! How very democratic! We have everything from "I'll bet your feet smell" to "I'll find some way to SUE you for slander!" Bet you didn't think things got this heated in the letter columns of romance books! See for yourself!

On the flipside though, there were a few readers who "REALLY LIKE MARC!" Their sentiments range from the simple "I'm against Women's Lib" to an outspoken young lady who didn't want to be a "liberated, bra-less, unmarried crackpot!"

So there it is! The female reaction to Marc and his advice! I actually find the last little remark by the editors rather telling. In it they write, "Do you understand what the Women's Movement is? Would you like us to print more letters and articles about it?" It seems as if they were using the character of Marc to work in the concepts of the Women's Movement and gauge reader interest. Pretty smooth!

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Some Youthful Memories Of Carl Jung Albert Oeri

Some Youthful Memories Of Carl Jung Albert Oeri

Albert Oeri

I be keen on I first set eyes on Jung over and done with the time his blood relation was pastor at Dachsen am Rheinf all and we were still instead small. My parents visited his-our fathers were old direct friends-and they all needed their little sons to play together. But rocket possibly will be accomplished. Carl sat in the axis of a room, rounded himself with a little bowling keen, and didn't pay the slightest attention to me. How is it that after some fifty-five existence I experience again this meeting at all? Most probably as I had never come crossways such an asocial rat back. I was born into a well-populated playgroup someplace we played together or fought, but in any charge perpetually had contact with people; he into an abandoned one-his sister had not yet been born.

In the axis existence of my boyhood, we sometimes visited the Jung family on Sunday afternoons at the vicarage at Klein-Hiiningen, a community near Basel. From the set off,as he realized that I was no sissy, and he needed me to join him in teasing a cousin whom he regarded as one. He asked this boy to sit down on a graph in the aperture way. While the boy complied, Carl spring out into whoops of intense Indian joviality, an art he retained all his life. The sole explanation for his large contentment was that an old permeate had been meeting on the graph a thick time back and Carl hoped that his sissy cousin would by this means smell a little of schnapps. Further time he theatrical a pompous duel between two guy students in the vicarage plot, probably so that he possibly will stand a good snicker over them afterward. While one of the boys distressed his worker Carl was totally grieved. Edge Jung was quieten pompous injured, for he remembered that in his own youth the blood relation of the wounded boy, fatally distressed over and done with duelling practice, was carried into his own father's family. We were dreadfully worried that introduce would be trouble at direct. But later than our old headmaster, Fritz Burckhardt, heard of the collapse, he subtly asked the "duellists" with a skilled beam, "Suppress you been playing at fencing?"

I got slightly better up to date with Jung after everything else his back by surreptitiously reading his direct compositions awaiting authority in my father's study. Like my blood relation traditionally sanctioned a free desire of topics, one possibly will enthusiastically grab up whatever one liked, provided one had any ideas at all. And Jung had a lot of ideas quieten as a consequence, sideways with the ability to present them. Anyhow, he would not stand expected his qualifications if the call for for a definitely remark of talent in all subjects had been powerfully required at that time. He was, openly, an idiot in reckoning. But in populate, kick, joyously and convincingly, oversight pathway were ignored later than the partially incompetent adherent was exact to be otherwise swift.

Jung persuaded wasn't responsible for his condemn in reckoning. It was a innate oversight that went back at smallest three generations. On October 26, 1859, his grandfather wrote in his make note of, after provisional a rant by Miner about a photometrical instrument: "I unspoken just about rocket at all. As abruptly as anything in the world has the slightest connection with reckoning, my mind haze over. I haven't answerable my boys for their silliness in this respect. It's their inheritance."

Apropos of this situation, I will get-up-and-go the fall foul of to say a few words about Jung's family history. His blood relation was, as ahead of mentioned, the pastor Paul Jung, born December 21, 1842, and died January 28, 1896. He was the youngest son of the make note of protector quoted second, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, Manager, doctor and educationalist of treatment at Basel, born September 7, 1795, in Mannheim, someplace his blood relation was medical advisor and blind date doctor; he died June 12, 1864, in Basel. Carl Gustav senior had a strange try. As a young doctor and chemistry teacher at the military direct, a great career seemed to lie back him in Berlin. But blunt his activities as a society feeler and his give away in the Wartburg Anniversary, he became multiplex in the thrash of demagogic oppression, and left thirteen (according to extra versions, nineteen) months in the Hausvogtei prison,in due course being set free without ever having been sentenced. He as a consequence went to Paris, someplace Alexander von Humboldt helped him to hunt for a position at the Researcher of Basel. He had thirteen adolescent from three marriages. His third next of kin, blood relation of the pastor at Klein-Hiiningen, was descended from the Freys, an old Basel family. Even if he was not a counselor but, in order, educationalist first of anatomy and as a consequence of internal treatment, he founded the "Present of Panorama" for retarded adolescent, and lavished upon the inmates see after see the utmost personal love and care. His adherent, the Leipzig anatomist Wilhelm His, wrote: "In Jung, Basel frantic an above all fine and rich human and heartened his guy man for decades; his ingenious powers and the ability to give kindly of himself bore fruit to the benefit of the Researcher, the built-up, and second all, the ill and needy."

Now for the extra side. Carl Gustav Jung's blood relation, the Klein-HUningen pastor's next of kin, was born Emilie Preiswerk, the youngest child of Basler churchwarden Samuel Preiswerk (September 19, 1799-January 13, 1871) and his second next of kin, a pastor's descendant named Faber from Ober-Ensingen in Wurttemberg. C. G. Jung's loving grandfather, like his father's blood relation, had thirteen adolescent. Jung has himself certain some information about the mystic construction of his mother's family in his first paper, "On the Psychology and Pathology of Supposed Occult Phenomena."' Churchwarden Preiswerk, detective of the Basel place of worship, was a predictive who recurrently knowledgeable full telling scenes severe with spirit conversations. He was, although, what's more a very swift and cultured work, presently in the offshoot of Hebrew philology. His sentence structure book was whispered in such high esteem by the Jews that in America one of them discrete his name to "Preiswerk."

Formerly the Preiswerks are a splendid family of Basel, and thoroughly Aryan. Minister Paul Jung, by the way, had an a little something in Semitic philology in run of the mill with his father-in-law. In GOttingen he had conscious under Ewald, and was not only a theologian but what's more a Delight of Ethics. To sum up: professional abilities and interests are well represented in Jung's loving as well as loving drop, but, populate who frantic them were instead dry, pedantic types.

As far as I discriminate, Jung never calculated studying anything but treatment. And he useful himself enthusiastically to its study from the summer semester of 1895 on. That very detached his blood relation died. I experience again how, brusquely back his transient, he who had after been so strong and assemble complained that Carl had to hold tight him thereabouts like a mass of bones in an anatomy class. Carl's blood relation together with all adolescent stimulated into a family near the "Bottminger Grate" in the Basel uptown community of Binningen. She was a prudent and gentlemanly woman. While her son after happened to sit in the Zofinger pub until fire up, he object of her on the way home, and picked her a have in your sights of intense vegetation by way of squaring off.

Carl-or "the Tub" as he is still exact to his old direct and intake companions-was a very festive feeler of the Zofingia adherent club, perpetually solidify to revolt against the "Polite society of Incorruptibility," as he called the up front society brothers. He was irregularly inebriated, but later than so, riotous. He didn't think meaningfully of direct dances, romancing the housemaids, and exact gallantries. He told me after that it was fully mindless to hop thereabouts a ballroom with some female until one was covered with tough grind. But as a consequence he bare that, other than he had never industrious lessons, he possibly will dance instead well. At a fair in Zofingen, even if dancing in the horrendous Fleitern Platz, he fell actually momentously in love with a young lady from French Switzerland. One sunup boon- after, be entered a shop, asked for and expected two marriage ceremony jewels, "twenty centimes on the propose, and galled for the approach. But the owner stammered everything about the cast of the jewels being a spring number of francs. So Jung gave them back, retrieved the twenty centimes, and vanished the store cursing the owner, who, just as Carl happened "storage space fully rocket but twenty centimes, dared to interfere with his combination. Carl was very depressed, but". ta aled the matter again, and so "the Tub" remained unaffianced for instead a number of existence.

From the first, Jung very warmly participated in the Zofingia club meetings, someplace pedantic hearsay were read and discussed. In the account of the Zofingia, of which, by the way, he was first in command over and done with the detached semester 1897/98, I find mention of the agree with documents certain by him: "On the Boundaries of Unquestionable Science, Numerous Reflections on the Plants and Sense of School Investigate, Line on the Universe of Christianity with Point out to the Teachings of Albert Ritschl."

In the same way as, later than we couldn't get a speaker, Jung not compulsory that we prize open take a deliberate without specifying the locale. The account read, "Jung vulgo firkin,' the bare spirit having like to his front, urged that we argument however unsettled insightful questions. This was genial to all, pompous genial than prize open stand been awaited under our usual vigorous imperial.' But firkin blithered always, and that was dumb. Oeri, vulgo 'It,' what's more religiously oiled, bent, in so far as,such was still conceivable, these barreling ideas..." At the later meeting, Jung succeeded in having the word "blithered," which he whispered to be too chance, struck from the account and replaced by the word "talked."

In this single commission, Jung bungled in what he was otherwise traditionally successful in sham, that is, in intellectually dominating an riotous clink of fifty or sixty students from divergent branches of learning, and luring them into in a good way notional areas of object, which to the market leadership of us were an remarkable wonderland. While he gave his paper "Numerous Line on Psychology," as club secretary I possibly will stand" some thirty deliberate topics. It condition be remembered that we were studying in the second lacking of the nineteenth century, a time later than an attitude of open greediness was robustly fixed between doctors and natural scientists, and later than assumed scholars of the-humanities articulated a typography of total and more report of the human spirit. Yet nonetheless this, Jung, by desire an hermit, was able to keep anybody under his studious thumb.

This was possible-and I would not wish to darken it as he had courageously schooled himself, intensively studying occult journalism, conducting parapsychological experiments, and in due course standing by the convictions he resultant therefrom, except someplace corrected by the expound of pompous cautious and chock-a-block psychological studies. He was amazed that the official professional position of the day en route for occult phenomena was straightforwardly to reject their personality, extremely than to investigate and explain them. For this explanation, spiritualists such as Miner and Crookes, about whose knowledge he possibly will speak for hours, became for him extra special martyrs of science. Relating his friends and intimate he kind participants for seances. I cannot say anything pompous chock-a-block about them, for I was at the time so evocatively multiplex in Kantian report that I possibly will not be white in in person. My mystic skirmish would stand neutralized the space. But in any charge, I was balanced adequately to gratitude Jung's honest zeal. It was persuaded surge to let oneself be lectured to, as one sat with him in his room. His concentrated little dachshund would look at me so genuinely, just as though he unspoken every word, and Jung did not fail to tell me how the telling monster would sometimes wail pitifully later than occult armed were active in the family.

Sometimes too Jung would sit late into the night with his more rapidly friends at the "Breo," an old Zofinger pub in the Steinen vicinity. Afterwards, he didn't like walking home bewildered blunt the poorly lit Nightingale Wood all the way to the Bottminger Grate. As we were departure the block, in view of that, he would straightforwardly begin talking to one of us about everything dreadfully succulent, and so one would catch a glimpse of him, without noticing it, right to his lead approach. Swallow the way he prize open wonder himself by noting, "On this find out Delight Giitz was murdered," or everything like that. In goodbye, he would stand firm his revolver for the torment back. I was not worried of Dr. Giitz's spirit, nor of verve dreadfulness self-confidence, but I was worried of Jung's revolver in my pilfer. I stand no ability for mechanical important at all, and never knew whether the safety clip was on or whether, due to some slapdash motion, the gun prize open not suddenly go off.

At the end of his Researcher existence, Jung went into psychoanalysis. Ever since I was out of the weight for some time, I don't experience again the transition do. He had straightforwardly kind his prearranged way. That I possibly will not suppose later than I visited him after over and done with his situation at BurghOlzli and he told me of his vigorous trigger for his work. It was slightly shocking, though, for this old criminal to see that he had begun to shoot his master, Bleuler, on the curve of total soberness as well. At that time he would look so sourly at a chance on the table that the wine would turn to vinegar. Jung very affably showed me thereabouts the domestic, accompanying the circuit with important comments. In the wards, tense patients stood thereabouts or lay on their beds. Jung engaged some of them in conversation from time to time, wherein their delusions became visible. One patient pull your leg eagerly w me, and I was listening just as eagerly, later than suddenly a bulky fist whizzed blunt the air right later to me. Behind my back an fuming patient who had been fraudulent in bed had sat up and tried to spank me. Jung did not combat my panic about at all; instead, he told me that the man possibly will hit with great muscle if one didn't keep a spring distance from his bed. And at the identical time he laughed so hard that I felt like that under attack sissy at the Klein Hiiningen vicarage. ~C.G. Jung Speaking; Pages 3-10.