Paul Janka ISBN: N/a 2008 MP3 244 Mb
It's a lot easier for me to approach a girl during normal "business hours," ask her a question, get her number, and follow up later by text (I rarely call).
My street game is sooooo effective, that I almost NEVER go to bars anymore.
If I can line up 10 to 15 dates per week, while going about my day, why should I waste my time buying drinks for girls who could care less about my lame-come-on's?
It's a VERY effective strategy and almost any guy can do it...
Learn SPECIFIC Techniques To Charm
The Pants Off Nearly Any Woman You Meet!
When I see a cute girl that I'd like to meet, I approach.
What do I say?
Well, a whole number of things. Most of the time it's a situational opener. Something casual and non-threatening. But I'm usually very direct and to the point.
And since my street technique has been perfected by years of practice, I've decided to release a 6-disc program called "DAY GAME: Secrets to Meeting Women."
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