
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Keeping A Woman Attention Once Youve Approached Her

Keeping A Woman Attention Once Youve Approached Her Image
Today, on the "Get A Great Girl" Forum,

( I noticed

a fantastic discussion about how to approach

a woman, and how to KEEP her attention.

One of the challenges is keeping the conversation

going and not get stalled after a minute or so.

There is a SOLUTION to this, as you will find




"I'm almost fearless with approaches & openers,

but man, I get stymied after a minute or so,

except with a captive audience, e.g. sitting near

a hot babe on the subway - since you are both

rooted in one spot for at least a few minutes, it's

easy to escalate the conversation and get

an email address.

The problem is when people are moving or only in

one spot for a moment, such as in a grocery store.

On the one hand, I love grocery stores, and have

gotten a date from one approach. But on the other

hand, the conversation has to move towards

interesting quickly, or she'll just move on after a

couple of pleasantries.

Case in point - I was shopping for laundry detergent

and saw a HB doing the same. My openner wasn't gold,

but at least it got things off the ground:

Me: "All right, which is the liquid detergent that lets

you never use fabric softening sheets again, is it

this Febreeze?"

Her: "I think so, but I'm allergic to Febreeze, so I

never use it. So I use the fabric softening sheets

in the dryer."

Me: "Yeah, but those things destroy your clothes -

the price you pay for no static cling."

Her: "I didn't know that."

And she walks away... (Boo hoo!)

Yeah, I know, boring topic, but in the heat of the

moment, what would you have done to ensure she

doesn't walk away, and then escalate?"


First, thank you for sharing what you have

been doing in the real world, the details

help everyone see that indeed this stuff

happens in the real world, such as your

date with the woman from the grocery


There is a world of women out there, "ripe

for the picking
" so to speak.

Here are some tips that should help ensure

she doesn't walk away, and to help you

escalate as well:


Your motto should be "Everything she says, can and WILL be


Remember also that women are CRAVING

a man who is both DOMINANT yet also

a GOOD MAN, who will treat her right,

and who also knows what it means to

be playful and naughty in a confident

way, not a truly arrogant way.

(Arrogance actually implies insecurity)

This COMBO is very VERY powerful.

So even if you started really neutral, that's fine

and prevents getting shut down right away, but

after that, it's time to JACK UP THE ENERGY


Turn up the dominance, the playfulness, the

naughtyness, and then transition ALL this

into a powerful CONNECTION.

And remember, she has PROVIDED all the

"material" for you, you just have to SEE IT

with new perspectives.

So, for example, with the Febreze, that's fine, and

she says she's allergic to it, IF YOU ARE IN THE PLAYFUL

STATE, and aren't afraid of losing her, you would easily

say any of the following things: (Feel the TONE of what's

going on here, more than the exact words.)

1. "Man, it's HARD to find good help these days!

But at least you're trying, I mean having allergies is

KIND of an excuse, I'm just allergic to boring people,

so I know about allergies, how about you?

"What's the coolest thing a person could do in the

supermarket? Walk into the walk in freezer on

a blistering HOT day? Meet a total stranger?

What do you think?"

This helps motivate her to add some spice

to whatever she says now, investing herself

more into the conversation and also ensuring

that she enjoys this conversation as well.

Then, if her response to you is boring, you can

pretend to sneeze! Just say "Ahhhhhhhhchoooo!

Oh man, I can' t believe it, I think...I might be...

allergic to...."(Give her a mischievous smile!)

Also, another option, is when she said,

"I didn't know that," you could put on the

playful dominance and say, "Well, now that

you do, that will be 5 bucks for the free

advice, but since you are such a decent

conversationalist, I'll give you the special

for only 4 bucks!

Then you can also TRANSITION from all this

into a greater and more serious CONNECTION:

"You know, life is so full of urgent things we

need to get done, that take TIME, but they

aren't really the IMPORTANT things, so laundry

is urgent, but it's not an "IMPORTANT" life goal,

it's IMPORTANT to make time for the things

you feel you MUST get out of life, you know

what I mean? "

At this point, she might fill the rest IN for you

and tell you about the TRULY IMPORTANT

things she wants to get done, which is a great

deeper conversation, and if she doesn't then

YOU can go onto describe the important things

that you feel are the real priorities in life.

And now you can go toward finding real bonding

things you share in common about priorities in life,

so when she gives you her number, she feels

VERY SOLID about doing so and wants you to

call her and continue this journey into discovering

who you are.

(By the way, man, I'm POSITIVE this is just you

needing to shake off the rust since you took the

Bootcamp over a year ago- you were great in

Bootcamp! You picked up a hot professor chick

at a vintage record store (talk about quality women!),

you got an email from a knockout blonde fitness

and health girl, and if I'm correct I think you hit

it off right away with executive type woman you

approached at the mall!

So don't knock yourself out, you clearly have

gained the skills, you just need to get sharp


I think what I just wrote here should help shake off

the rust and get you back into your zone when you

get out there to approach again!

We're almost out of time, but I had to share this

cool email that came in just the other day:


Hi Michael,

I just want to let you know you have a terrific

approach that is far beyond what any of the

pickup artists teach. They teach men to

disrespect women and ruin their potential

for a positive, healthy relationship with the

right woman.

You teach men how to develop a relationship

with that right woman that is a product of two

healthy, mature-thinking adults, instead of

being all about sex, which is so rampant and

in-your-face in our society.

In addition to this, you teach men that it is

possible to actually be "the man" in a healthy way,

without being arrogant and trying to control

women, but asserting a natural male dominance

that real women actually love.

This is in such contrast to all the messages in

our society that try to stifle our natural,

testosterone-driven impulses, and you teach

us to channel those impulses into self improvement,

both inwardly and outwardly, to become the

"right" man for that "right" woman.

This kind of teaching is so helpful in so many areas

of life beyond just dating and relationships.

I have been enjoying and benefiting from your

wisdom, and I know that there are many men

out there who can be and are benefited by it as

well. I sincerely thank you for your much-needed


Additionally, in one of your letters you talk about

visualizing your fear in order to become relaxed

about it and conquer it. That is a great concept,

and is confirmed by none other than Donald Trump.

In his classic book on negotiating, "Trump: The Art

of the Deal,
" he says: "It's been said that I believe

in the power of positive thinking. In fact, I believe

in the power of negative thinking. I happen to be

very conservative in business. I always go into

the deal anticipating the worst. If you plan for the

worst--if you can live with the worst--the good

will always take care of itself."

Keep up the good work,

John Paul

Washington, USA"


First of all, thank you for the kind words.

I actually did not know that about Trump,

but it's cool to see that he uses the same

psychological approach to success in

his own life.

If you can mentally DEAL with even the worst

case scenario, you are NO LONGER haunted

by it, and you can NATURALLY become

confident because the negativity has been

mentally CONFRONTED and you've made

peace with that possibility.

Once you've done that, you start to get

BORED with the negativity, so you

start to GENUINELY become positive,

it's not something you are TRYING to do,

it's for REAL because the negativity has

been DRAINED and weakened immensely.

And this gives you massive confidence.

A woman can sense that if she does not treat

you well, you REALLY WILL WALK AWAY.

She can actually SENSE this kind of confidence

in your demeanor long before she ever even

TRIES this kind of thing, so she treats you better

of course as a result.

Remember, you are now TRULY thinking positive,

because you've DEALT with the negative, so now

your positive thinking isn't a game or something

artificial, it's GENUINLEY flowing from you.

That adds even MORE charisma to you.

And on top of THAT, when you are searching for

a QUALITY woman, that means you are searching

for a woman who has done all the SAME work on

herself, and she KNOWS how rare it is to find

a person, especially a MAN who has been willing

to develop himself so powerfully in this way.

You become the kind of man that she doesn't

want to EVER let go of.

Again, this works on a hard-wired SURVIVAL

level that is primal and subconscious- she

feels that with SUCH man, things will be



Basically, you are giving off the vibes of being

a MAN who can SURVIVE in the JUNGLE of LIFE.

If you want the FULL PICTURE on how to attract

women ANYWHERE, I suggest you get my

Actions For Attraction CD Set by going here now:

To check out all my programs for getting

and keeping a quality girlfriend, go here:

For now, tomorrow, and for always, BE THE MAN.

Michael Marks

Labels: did not write  romance serial four  became enemy  certainly not courtesan  slang internet  top your  tips spirit  elle contracted madame  boys normal guys  


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