
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Social Psychology Dating Older Women What Is The Attraction

Social Psychology Dating Older Women What Is The Attraction Image
When I was at school the idea of dating a more mature girl filed me with excitement. Don't get me wrong I was 15 and had no intention to push the boundaries too far but a girl in sixth form was my fantasy.

Well that dream was realised however I was growing older myself and over the subsequent ten years my female friends tended to be either alike age or a couple of years younger. This trend continued until that great day in my life when I married the love of my life that incidentally is 5 years younger than me.

Now i'm sure my experiences won't be unique, the fact is that it is almost a clich that men wish to date younger girls but why would a man desire to date a more mature women.

Experience: While I was investigating this article with my mates in the pub, the reason that gained popular approval was that older women have life experience. They say that youth is wasted on the young and this can be an issue with girls who lack the mental maturity that goes with their sexuality. While youth to some is undoubtedly appealing, sexuality is complimented by experience and knowledge. An older woman will be aware of what makes you tick and hopefully what buttons to press to help you get going. More importantly though the art of sex can involve your head and quite often this kind of stimulation isn't found in younger girls.

Maturity: An older woman normally knows what she wants and how to get it. She is more unlikely to play around with your head and will hopefully make the relationship run a little smoother. With maturity comes sophistication (hopefully) including a sense of how to have fun with the finer things in your everyday living. I am sure younger men don't want to be visiting the Opera every week but surely finer restaurants are better than take out followed by a quickie!

Maternal: Not only a reason that I'd personally have selected but some men do enjoy being taken care of. I am not saying that modern-day cougars possess every one of the mothering instincts but I have known guys who's older girl friends treat them better than their mothers.

Independence: Older women are usually more secure in their careers and have gained financial security. If this is so they are not as likely to rely upon a man to support them. One advantage is the fact that a younger successful guy is more unlikely to fall foul of the gold digger type if his chosen older woman is equally successful.


The Biological Clock: With age comes the realisation that dating a more mature women will not only provide your friends with material for banter "what are you doing out with your Mum" but be sure to take into account that your older partner will likely be conscious of her age. With maturity comes the need for security and the age old desire to settle down and have children.

Baggage: If you are determined to date an older woman it may be advisable to understand how much of her past is involved in her current life. The last thing you want is to be dealing with the strain of old bad relationships.

Labels: series hit amazon  love save marriage  woman strong man  not potatoes not  book serial reach  nadia lockyer not  interested phone number  how back company  


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