Before we begin, it is critical to acknowledge the importance of seeding and how every Social Artist should make it a point to consciously seed events when conversing with people regardless if they intend to follow up with that person or not. With seeding being such an important component of conversing, we will start with a very basic definition of what it is.
SEEDING ("VERB):" The concept of telling an individual about a certain event, location, place to eat, outing, movie, or anything else happening in the future but not initially inviting them to that specific event."
The key to properly seeding an event is to hype up the event as much as possible, make it seem like the most awesome thing in the world and something which anyone would be crazy not to attend. It is human nature to be intrigued by things we do not know about, want things we cannot have and be curious about the unknown so by "seeding" something in a persons mind, we are activating an individuals curiosity and planting a 'seed' for a future invitation.
At the same time, by "not "inviting them to the seeded event, you will be increasing the likelihood that they will want to be apart of this great thing you speak so highly of due to the simple fact they haven't been invited to experience it yet. Then when you finally do mention the event and how you would like them to join you, they will feel much more compelled, excited and motivated to come with you as opposed if you had invited them right away.
The great thing about seeding is that there are no limitations on what you can or cannot seed. For example, I can seed something as extravagant as the most amazing concert ever to go on tour or something as simple as the most delicious mouth watering taco stand down the street. Point is - Don't feel like you have to know about some amazing thing going on to seed an event, all you need is a place to take an individual. And if you think about it, if they're going with you, it's going to be amazing regardless!
Now that we have discussed what exactly seeding is, we will go into a general guideline to follow when seeding an event during a conversation with an individual. One basic format which I highly recommend Social Artists to use is the following:
"I went to the "MOST (DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVE) + (LOCATION, EVENT, OUTING, MOVIE, RESTURANT)"last week and they had the most "(SOMETHING UNIQUE/SPECIFIC ABOUT THAT PLACE)" there, I simply cannot wait till I get the opportunity to go there again!
To break it down more specifically, here is an example of the guideline mentioned above:
"Oh my Gosh! I just went to the most "AMAZING TACO RESTAURANT" in the world the other day! Trust me, I've been to A LOT of restaurants around the world "(DHV"), but "THIS ONE IS SIMPLY THE BEST! THE TACOS WERE FULL OF YUMMY MELTING CHEESE AND TO TOP IT OFF - THEIR MARGARITAS WERE TO DIE FOR!" I've never had better margaritas in my life! I cannot wait to go there again!
"Last week my friend and I went "ON THIS HIKE TO GET A VIEW OF THE CITY AND IT WAS THE MOST AMAZING VIEW I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE." It was literally "BREATHTAKING AND MY HEART JUST SKIPPED A BEAT BY THE BEAUTY OF THE VIEW". The hike "WAS REALLY FUN TOO, WE SAW A BUNCH OF CUTE DEER AND RABBITS HOPING AROUND" and then we had a "DELICIOUS PICNIC" once we reached our location. I am def. going to do that hike again in the next few weeks!
Now when someone hears something described as passionately and detail oriented as that, then that should captivate them into wanting to go to this Taco Restaurant/Hike or other event/outing/restaurant you speak so highly about.
So you've planted a seed, what next? Once you have seeded, it can be very easy to set up a future encounter with that individual.
One of the most efficient ways to take a seeded event and transform it into a real event is to call or text (we here at "Attractology" always advocate calling rather then texting) the individual and say something along the lines of:
"Hey You! Remember that "(SEEDED EVENT - EVENT, RESTAURANT, OUTING, ETC)" I told you about a few days ago with the ("DESCRIPTIVE SPECIFICS OF THE EVENT/RESTAURANT, OUTING)"! "Well I am really craving them right now so why don't you come tag along and we'll have the best ("SEEDED EVENT)" ever! You won't be disappointed, I promise =)"
A more specific example of the format outlined above is:
"Heyyyremember that "TACO PLACE" told you about a few days ago with the "DELICIOUS TACO AND TO-DIE FOR MARGARITAS"! Well I am craving them right now so why don't you come tag along and we'll"HAVE THE BEST MEAL" ever! You won't be disappointed, I promise =) "
"Hey! Remember I was telling you about "THAT AMAZING HIKE" I went on last week with the "CUTE RABBITS" and where I saw "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF THE CITY"; well with it being such a gorgeous day outside, I am really wanting to get out and "GO FOR A NICE HIKE" so you should come with me! I promise to show you a view that you will never forget!
As mentioned previously, since you have hyped up this event/outing/restaurant as the most amazing thing in the world, you're increasing your chances of having that person accept your invitation. And if for some reason they cannot make it, the seeded event still gives you the perfect reason for calling them and just having a good conversation.
There are many benefits in seeding an event and that is why we here at "Attractology "highly recommend that every Social Artist seed events as much as possible. As stated previously, even if you do not intend to invite them to the event, you at least have the option to have them come along and it would not be out of the blue since you have already mentioned it to them in previous conversations. With that said, you should now have a good tool to use when setting up a future date with an individual - Seeding!
Until Next Time....
* When to Call Her and What to Say
* Engage-Disengage-Reengage (EDR) Technique
* How To Stand Out When Approaching Women
* Vince Kelvin Interview
* Top Ten Worst Pick Up Lines
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