
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How To Plan A Staycation

How To Plan A Staycation Image
You've finally been at your job long enough to earn a decent amount of vacation days, but your savings account has dwindled from your months of (f)unemployment in the Big Apple. What's a savvy city gal to do? Plan a Staycation! When you live in one of the most exciting cities in the world, sometimes you are so busy that you miss out on events, culture, and activities that are just a hop, skip, and a subway ride away. Enjoy your days out of the office with these vacation-like activities without the expensive flight or an annoying tour guide.

1. SLEEP IN: This may seem too obvious, but give yourself the beauty rest you deserve. Shut off the daily alarm on your Blackberry and enjoy some extra shut eye before you begin your day or week of your Staycation.

2. CHILL AT A COFFEE SHOP: Always jealous of those writers, musicians, and trust fund kids who can spend hours at that adorable Italian coffee shop on your corner? Well, for a few hours you can be one of them. Bring that novel you've been meaning to finish, order a skim latte, and let your imagination wander. Or people watch all of the interesting characters who are lucky enough to spend their days outside of an office.

3. MINGLE AT A MUSEUM: Do you find yourself talking about the latest exhibit at the New Museum or always cancel plans to learn about the history of the Lower East Side at the Tenement Museum? Now is your chance to leisurely admire the classics at the Met or trends at the MOMA.

4. BE A BEACH BABE: It may not be Miami, but the Long Island and New Jersey beaches are only a train ride away, and provide warm sunshine, crashing waves, and sand between your toes.

5. SERENITY AT A SPA: When the only massage you've had the time (or the money) to enjoy is the extra ten minute rub-down after a pedicure at your local nail salon, it's time you book yourself an hour Swedish massage at a luxury spa. Or try a facial in preparation for next weekend's wedding, where you'll need to shine as the sexiest bridesmaid to get the Best Man's attention on the dance floor.

6. WORK IT OUT: Wonder who's around to take spin or yoga classes during the late morning? Join the stay-at-home moms, NYU students, and aspiring actresses at the afternoon classes at your gym.

7. DISCOUNT SHOP: Hate the Saturday afternoon crowd at Forever 21? This is your time to leisurely wander through the store, try on outfits without waiting in the long line, then text your friends the photos, who can give you the "yay" or "nay" on your potential date outfits while they sit in their offices awaiting your fashion photos.

8. LADIES WHO LUNCH: Never seem to find the time to enjoy lunch on weekdays with your best gal pal? Meet one of your girlfriends for a salad or sushi during her break by her office. She will welcome eating anywhere other than in front of her computer, and spending an hour sharing gossip will brighten both your days.

9. DOCTOR, DOCTOR: Yes, booking a doctor's appointment doesn't sound like an ideal Staycation activity, but with our busy city lives, a trip to the dermatologist to clear up your adult acne hasn't been on the top of your weekday priority list. So, get your booty into your gyno's office for a pap and blood test before sleeping with that new cutie. And visit your allergist to finally get a prescription for your seasonal allergies.

10. MATINEE MOVIE: Remember those afternoons as a pre-teen viewing a discounted movie with your friends before a shopping trip at the mall? You can relive those cheap movie dates by visiting your local theater for a noon showing, armed with that large bucket of buttery popcorn and Sour Patch Kids you've been craving, without feeling guilty (or embarrassed) to indulge in those calories or to laugh out loud at JLo movies.

How do you plan a Staycation? xo

Labels: march twowheeled  running reach episode  want will teach  love save rekindle  stop your soul  victim arranged  have heard voice  ends theresa  how back company  


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