
Monday, May 30, 2011

Romance Scam Safety Tips Fraud Awareness

Romance Scam Safety Tips Fraud Awareness Image
There are several ways to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of fraud while dating online. Follow these fraud awareness safety tips when meeting new people on online dating sites:

* Never share your personal or financial information with people you don't know.
* Never send money to someone you meet online, especially by wire transfer. Wiring money is like giving someone cash: the you have essentially no protection against loss or scams. For this reason, scammers often insist that people wire money, especially overseas, because it's nearly impossible to reverse the transaction or trace the money. NEVER wire money to strangers or to someone who claims to be in an emergency! This is one of the most common basic scams!
* Never give out your credit card # or bank account info
* Never share any of your personal identifying info, such as SSN, address, phone, etc.

The safest way to make sure you are not a victim of fraud is to never give out any of your personal information. However, there are certain red flags to watch for that may indicate you're dealing with a scammer or fraudster. Be wary of anyone who:

* Quickly asks to talk or chat on an outside email or messaging service
* Disappears from the site, then reappears under a different name
* Starts to talk about "destiny" or "fate"
* Claims to be recently widowed
* Asks for your address to "send you flowers or gifts"
* Makes numerous grammar and/or spelling errors
* Claims to be from the United States but is currently travelling, living or working abroad
* Asks you for money

Again, awareness is the best defense against fraud and scammers! Also make sure you report suspicious activity or behavior to your dating site immediately. Zoosk,, eHarmony, PerfectMatch, and Chemistry all have teams dedicated to combating fraud. Better be safe than sorry!

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