
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hypnosis And Pregnancy

Hypnosis And Pregnancy Image
Interesting. Hypnosis helps to overcome fear of childbirth.

"What it does: Hypnotherapists believe that some women feel such fear about childbirth, being a good mother or guilt about past abortions when they start trying to conceive that they send the wrong signals to their body about pregnancy. Hypnosis tries to release the emotional barriers and relax a woman's attitude to conception.

The practice focuses on the hypothalamus, the area of the brain that is sensitive to stress and turns emotional messages into physical reactions. Hypnosis may help women to overcome their subconscious concerns about becoming a mother.

More than a million people in Britain visit a hypnotherapist every year.

Does it work? In an American study, more than half of women who attended a "mind-body" programme focusing on self-hypnosis conceived despite having previously failed to get pregnant, compared with 20 per cent of women who did not use the technique.

Another study found that women who were hypnotised during IVF procedures were twice as likely to become pregnant from them."

(NLP in Asia)


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