
Friday, July 16, 2010

Did You Not Know That

Did you not know that?

1. John F. Kennedy was killed by his driver.

2. May 22, 1962, Americans landed on Mars.

3. The UN was created by Satanists to enslave the world.

4. NASA hides the earth planet Nibiru, whose orbit lies beyond the orbit of Pluto.

5. In MacDonald's logo hides two number 13.

6. The pyramids of Giza is a tunnel leading to the underworld.

7. Antigravity long at the service of the U.S. Army.

8. Golden structure on the roof of the Academy of Sciences is an emitter of waves submission.

9. The galactic government exists, and the U.S. - is the only country supporting contact with him.

10. The scene was landing astronauts on the moon took Stanley Kubrick in Nevada.

11. Walt Disney was a Mason.

12. Kentucky Fried Chicken belongs to the Ku Klux Klan, and all the fried chicken soaked drug that is harmless to all Caucasians, but does impotent any black.

13. Denver Airport, the design which uses a lot of Masonic symbolism, is the headquarters of the international Masonic government, and under the terminal is a giant underground city.

14. If you turn a pack of Marlboro upside down, then place the syllable Mar you can see the English word "Jew» (jew).

15. White vapor trail, staying behind plane is in fact a process of spraying various secret agents who control the mind.

16. FIFA World Cup in 1958 actually did not take place in Sweden, and was raised by the Americans specifically for radio and TV as a strategic maneuver "cold war".

17. HIV was developed in the laboratories of the CIA in order to rid the world of blacks and homosexuals.

18. In the early XX century, cannabis was outlawed because competing with the more expensive and therefore more profitable raw material for manufacturing different products - from paper to plastic.

19. Each bar code on a product contains an encrypted number of the beast.

20. 2011 tsunami in Japan, it was stimulated by U.S. and Indian military with the help of powerful electromagnetic emitters.

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A Lot Harder To Pick Me Up Now

He Was Going Crazy

He Was Going Crazy

Time To Sleep Bunny

Time To Sleep Bunny

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