
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Social Psychology Self Improvement How To Love Yourself More

Social Psychology Self Improvement How To Love Yourself More Image
Take a few deep breaths and release the tension from your shoulders. Sit straight and close your eyes for a minute and just relax and breathe. Then, when you feel more relaxed, open your eyes and read the following to yourself slowly:

Today I can accept myself. I do not need to be perfect. I am loveable just as I am, even with my quirks and faults. I have many good qualities. I do my best. I care about others. I am equal to other people. No one is perfect. We each have different experiences in life and have been given different challenges and different opportunities. I will not compare myself to them, or them to me, because that would not be fair.

I value myself because I have value. Everyone has value. There have also been times when I've been there for others and times I have made others smile. I am loved. I also value my life because it gives me the opportunity to grow and experience, to learn, to love, to be loved, to laugh, to try things, to have triumphs and to make mistakes, to learn from those mistakes and to grow some more because I had them. I will go with the flow and enjoy life and its challenges.

I am at peace with myself. I will be loving and encouraging to me, like a caring and wise parent that wishes me to be healthy, successful, and happy. I wish these things for myself. I will nurture a stronger, more confident me. When I find I am being hard on myself, I will simply let it go. I will take a few deep breaths and remember love, and then I will begin again. I accept myself and will treat myself kindly.

After doing the above, read on further. We know that we should love our self, but sometimes we're not sure how to go about it. Here is a little checklist for you to get you started. Begin by checking to see if your immediate physical needs are met at this moment. Do you need healthy food? Are you tired? Do you need sleep? Part of loving yourself is seeing to your needs sensibly. Sometimes we get in a bad mood simply because we're over-tired or haven't eaten in a while or have made poor food choices. If you need sleep or a good meal, see to that first.

How are you feeling? Do you need to talk to someone? Then don't just sit there, call someone. Talk to them about anything, it doesn't have to be about important things. Do you need to shift your thoughts away from unhappy thoughts or self criticism? Then do that. Get involved in some work or a project, put on happy music, do something enjoyable, read something uplifting, find friends and tell them you need to have some fun, but find some way to shift your thoughts away from sadness. Make it a habit to say encouraging, kind words to yourself.

When your physical needs are met and you are feeling okay, then it's time to think long term if your needs are being met. Do you have enough income that you are financially stable? If not, then come up with a plan to change this, and work on it until you have some financial security. Save money to get you through emergencies, temporary unemployment, and for retirement. Always have some money that only you can get to.

What about your emotional needs? Are you in a loving relationship? Wonderful. Are you in a relationship that makes you unhappy? If you are in a relationship that isn't good for you, that makes you feel bad about yourself, or that makes you unhappy, you want to show yourself love by ending the relationship. Are you lonely? Then make friends or start dating.

What about your health? Do you show yourself love by taking care of your body? Often we diet for looks, but what is most loving is to take care of your health. Sometimes health and losing weight overlap, but sometimes people diet and do not help their health or even harm it. It is loving to see to your health through healthy eating, exercise, keeping a sensible weight, getting enough sleep, avoiding cigarettes and other health risks, and getting regular medical care.

After all of these things, there is still more! If you are taking care of your needs, both in this moment and in the future, that is wonderful! But you can also show love "just because." Much like a loving parent would do, speak nicely to yourself. Maybe do something nice for yourself now, "just because." You don't have to have a need to be loving to yourself. The author writes text messages and advises for internet and social networking content like myspace graphics and myspace comments. He also writes quizzes on subjects like personality, etc.

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