
Monday, March 12, 2012

Option-several Online Dating Sites

Option-several Online Dating Sites Image
If you're on the prowl, searching for that special someone in the world-wide cyber jungle, it can be a very rewarding experience with the possibility of winning quite the trophy prize in the end. However, there are often many complaints from online dating consumers who haven't had the best of luck with payment issues on various dating sites. So to make your hunt a successful one that won't put a giant hole in your wallet and leave you with a raging migraine, check out the following tips for dishing out your money to the online dating industry:

TIP #1: READ THE FINE PRINT. To save yourself from unnecessary surprise, make sure you read and fully understand the terms and conditions of a dating service before you sign up. Be sure to especially study the portion that discloses how much notice you need to give and how to go about cancelling. If you've decided to cancel your online dating subscription, a common misbelief is that payments cease the moment you put in your request. But it's important you're aware that this isn't always the case-most of the time you will find that there's always a notice period. Nearly all reputable dating sites will clearly state their policies regarding cancellation of services.

TIP #2: CHOOSE A NON-RECURRING PAYMENT OPTION. If the dating service you've selected offers a non-recurring way to pay, it's your best bet to use this method-it is definitely the safest. It means you use a dating service by just paying for the period you want and you won't pay a single penny more unless you decide to extend your subscription.

TIP #3: CHOOSE A PAYMENT METHOD YOU CAN CANCEL. Sometimes a non-recurring payment plan is not an option-several online dating sites prefer instead to use a re-bill plan because it generates for them higher profits. If you have no choice but to go with an automatic billing process, then you can save a potential hassle by selecting a payment option that allows you to be in charge of cancellation. Set up your online dating subscriptions with PayPal, direct debit or a standing order-these methods allow for easily calling your online dating experience quits.

TIP #4: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. When you authorize an online dating company to collect their money by way of regular payment from credit/debit cards it can prove problematic for you because you can't cancel the payments yourself. There are ways around this, however. You could use a pre-paid card which requires you to back up the card with cash before you spend anything so there's no way of overpaying if you keep the card's balance low. If you use a standard card like the majority of people, just make sure you follow the strict procedures to cancel your services.

TIP #5: CANCEL THE PROPER WAY. While online dating is notorious for cancellation problems amongst their customers, it is important that you know the correct way to handle it. Make sure you follow the steps below to a frustration-free cancellation:

* Get the dating company you've been subscribed to on the phone and speak to a representative who can walk you through your cancellation. To remain in control, be sure to follow up with an email confirming your desire to leave the services of the company.
* If you went the route of paying with a PayPal account, direct debit or standing order, the good news is you can go ahead and cancel the payments yourself, without dealing with the mess of communicating with your former online dating service.
* If you paid via credit or debit card, you can't cancel your payment directly, but know that any further payments taken after cancellation will be noted as unauthorized transactions. If this happens, dispute the charges with your bank or distributing credit card company who will remedy the problem for you. You might have to show your bank proof of cancellation but they should then initiate a charge back to refund the money and cease future debits to your account.

Labels: dating websites  got years marriage  wished marriage  know spend little  pick guy teach  boyfriend best friend  erotic romance have  beautiful women  


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