Whether you are online or offline the precautions you take for your own personal safety should be similar, and you should stick to the guidelines you make for yourself, period. Unlike offline personals in the newspaper and blind dates setup by friends, online personals and dating can be a very exciting way to help you meet that special someone. However, there is one thing that will ALWAYS BE MORE IMPORTANT - YOUR SAFETY.
Most of the online dating websites and services do not pre-screen their users. They have NO CONTROL over the people you meet and cannot ensure they are safe to be involved with personally. This means you will need to do your own screening and have methods to PROTECT YOURSELF ahead of time.
I've provided some tips to make online dating MORE FUN AND IN THE LONG RUN - less risky:
1. Being Anonymous Is Safe, At First
If you give your real information such as email address, home address, last name, phone number, place of employment, or any other information that identifies you in your communications or online dating profile this will MAKE YOU AN EASY TARGET. Remembering to "turn off" your signature file in Outlook, or simply making sure your emails do not have information that may identify you can help eliminate the threat level. As you gain a sense of trust for the person you are communicating with you can decide for yourself how to loosen your anonymous behavior. This is COMPLETELY up to you alone.
2. Request An Image or Photo
You can get to see what a person looks like by asking for a few photos. Make sure you ask for MORE THAN ONE PHOTO - it's harder to fake a few or several photos than just one. It doesn't cost much (sometimes free), so if they don't have or want to supply a few photos - forget them.
3. Common Sense Must Rule
Trusting your instincts is key. If you show trust in online acquaintances too easily it can make you an easy target. Your gut feelings should tell you when someone you are communicating with is lying. If you feel like they are SHADY OR DODGING QUESTIONS there's a great chance that he or she is lying to you. Look for someone who deserves your trust. Thinking logically will save you a lot of troubleRemember it's up to you to look out for yourself.
4. Call First, Don't Give In Too Quick
You can gauge a person's intellect, mood swings, and general attitude toward you with just one phone call. Though it might cost you some money (unless you have free long distance), it still worth it to make the call, instead of risking yourself to FALLING FOR A WEIRDO. You may decide to use a cell phone or payphone instead of your land line, so if you decide you don't want to speak to them anymore - YOU HAVE THE CHOICE. You should stay away from giving your land line number at first, unless you absolutely believe they are the real deal. Why? It's because your address and more personal information is tied directly to your home phone more so than your cell number.
5. Meet At Your Own Pace
Some people trust their gut quicker, while others take a while to decide how they may feel about one person or another. Nevertheless, it is advisable to TAKE YOUR TIME. Do your best to get to know a person as much as you can, prior to agreeing to meet up. If he/she seems to just say they types of things you may want to hear, the person on the other end might be someone to take a second look at, and question more. Make sure you DO NOT FEEL OBLIGATED to meet a person, you're not. It's ALL up to you, period.
6. Psychoanalyze Your Prospects
You should PAY ATTENTION TO ANY SIGNS of intense anger, aggression, frustration, or any strange display of behavior. If the person is trying to pressure or control you, stop the communication immediately and do not look back.
7. How to Meet Them Offline
Tell someone you TRUST where you are planning to go and give them a time for when you should be home. If you are going to be later than you originally tell them, make sure you call them, so they don't worry. Before you go meet up with your online dating prospect leave your date's name and phone number with the same person. Take your cell with you. Whatever you do - DON'T HAVE YOUR DATE PICK YOU UP AT HOME. Drive yourself somewhere public for the meeting. During the date, don't leave your drink unattended. Then, make sure you leave by yourself and go home.
Keep dating online SAFE AND YOU WILL HAVE FUN, period. To make online dating work for you, it's important you exercise caution. Take your time to get to know the person you are dating, DO NOT rush yourself or allow anyone to RUSH you into doing anything. Whatever you do make sure to use - COMMON SENSE.
Remember, it's all up to you to do what is in your own best interests.
READ MORE IN THE NEXT POST or Download My "Ultimate Guide To Successful Online Dating" right now!
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