- Why do we hesitate when we see a pretty girl walking towards us. We want to walk up to her and say, "Hi, I'm " Why do we not do that? FEAR OF REJECTION.
- We are afraid she'll reject us as a man. We feel she'll validate our manliness.
- We're conditioned. It hurts to approach.
- We could all draw, sing, etc. when we were four years old. In school we compare ourselves to others that we are not good enough.
- Everything you want, everything you desire is outside your comfort zone. If it wasn't, we'd already have it.
- No matter what the girl says we turn around and say "I'm not tall enough, rich enough...? She doesn't have to reject us. We've already rejected ourselves.
- We allow her to live rent free in our heads. We allow her to dictate our day.
- We've already rejected ourselves, she's just agreeing.
- Most girls ask, "What do you do for a living?" to find out what we believe we are.
- We have the right to say hello to her. We are men. We stand on the earth.
- When asking girls, they say "Where are all the real men, men who believe who they are?"
- What kind of girls put men in LJBF (lets just be friends) zone? Trick question, we put ourselves in the LJBF zone. In the way we talk, stand...
- We feel, especially in North America, that we can't show our sexuality cause it'll make them uncomfortable.
- Women are desperate for men who know who they are, what they want, no resumption and how dare we take that away from her.
5 Categories Women Put Guys In:
1. Guy is giving me a creepy feeling
2. Completely indifferent
3. Guys nice. Friend zone
4. This guy is potential. Potential relationship
5. I could jump in bed with this guy
- He tells a girl right away what he wants, "I'm not like any man you've ever met, there is something about you, though I don't know what it is."
- Without neediness/clinginess
- You have a name and you didn't think you have the right to talk to a girl?
- In your direct bloodline your relative carried a sword, and you're afraid of talking to a girl?
- Women want men to approach them as sexual creatures.
- How does a woman know you're honest? By telling them you're honest. "I'm not going to just be friends with you, why look at you?"
- Guys who are good with women are cause they are at ease with themselves. We get to choose
- Opening line isn't key. It's approaching. You can never love women if you don't love yourself. You can manipulate them but not love them.
- Women will only feel cheated if you misrepresented how long the relationship will be
- The goal is to have women as friends in your life.
- NEVER KISS AND TELL, cause it's respect. You don't have to worry about your reputation, but she does.
- The whole concept to him is that if you misrepresent yourself, you've cheated her (i.e. buying her affection)
- If a girl says, "Are you asking me out?" You say, "Of course I am, look at you."
- Girls want guys who know what they want.
- It's stating who you are without apology. Stand in your place.
- All women are your girls. You make that girl shine, cause that's who you are.
- If they look hot, it's a gift to you. Make them feel pretty, and they'll never forget you
- Zan never approaches a woman with a goal of getting her on a date, #, etc. His goal is he likes pretty girls, you're just in the moment with her.
- A phone # voluntarily given to you will mean she'll answer
- Trust the process. The fact you know you're a man. Cause you have the right
- Never respond to their challenge. They are fantastic at acting offended. Just say, "What are you talking about?" Laugh it off, play it off.
- Never dial yourself down. It's your mission to make them feel beautiful.
- We are driven by our obligations (i.e. more money)
- Be pulled through life by a vision of what you want
- You don't have to do anything
- Women like nice guys, cause they are so attentive.
- They don't like clinginess of guys.
- We have no interesting life cause we choose not to. Never let a girl push you backwards.
- You'll have women in your life if you believe that and it's your choice.
- Decide today who you're going to be, don't cheat women out of it. That's what women want in men.
- He mentors guys all over the world. I don't know how to escalate into sexual mode. He doesn't do anything cause he's there from the beginning. Cause he lets them know who he is. She'll say, "I have a boyfriend", you say "Of course you do, look at you."
- When he talked to an engaged girl he knew she couldn't go out with him and she knew he couldn't go out with her, so he said, "I know, but isn't it fun to think about?: Make her feel pretty and smile. You'll get girls giving you #'s and begging them cause you make them feel alive.
- Respect them and have fun.
- I.e. "You look great in that dress."
- Never defend. If she says, why did you leave me to talk to her, say, "Of course, did you look at her!?"
- Everything you do with a woman should be enormous fun. Smile and wink at everyone.
- Don't be aggressive and presumptuous. You have to be sincere. ALWAYS BE HONEST. But always lie, but get caught in the lie. It should be fun, fun for you and her.
- Women are able to sniff out your motives from afar.
- Never mask your desires, without presumption.
- Doesn't mean you'll sleep with her, but emit that sexual energy.
- How do you break up with a girl? He never breaks up with a girl, he's just not around
Two Tracks In A Woman's Mind
1. Her desire for security, comfort, longevity, safety, children.
2. Just as valid and just as cirtical to her living. Passion, whirlwind, romance novels.
- Ideally she wants both tracks from one guy
- If she just has 1 track, she'll seek out the 2nd track. It's nature.
- Zan is a dreamer. He believes in women, and makes them believe in themselves.
- Take a woman on an emotional adventure. Cause everything in life is an adventure. It's the concept of believing in adventure, cause they will too.
- Start with your intention. You won't apologize for who you are. You have the right to be who you are.
- Why is it so important that the interaction is important? The opening line isn't important. The thing that gives him the most fulfillment is the interaction with every girl. If you make the moment important you will get phone #'s and you will get girls wanting to sleep with you.
- Every interaction should be sexual though not aggressive.
- we make long term promises on short term emotions
- "I'm a treasure hunter, I'm on a mission."
- "I give women pleasure"
- He loves the interaction/chemistry
- Stand up, be a man, be honest
- Understand what you want and be honest with her.
- Lots of compassion for women all the bad things and good things created who you are today. Maybe those bad things, if they never existed, would not make you who you are today. You were attractive enough for me to approach today. You get to choose your steps tomorrow.
- Choose from this day forward who you are
- Everything is a choice. I'm not reacting to things that happened in my past. Get rid of the people in your life that drag you down.
- Delight - If she's not feeling like a queen. Then I'm not feeling like a King.
- Grace - Move through life with grace.
- He doesn't work to get a girl, he wants girls who delight in life like he does
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