
Sunday, October 30, 2011

How To Flirt Through Texting And Melt Her With Your Words

How To Flirt Through Texting And Melt Her With Your Words Image
Flirting with a girl through text and melting her with your words. There may be words that you use or ways that you talk when you are face to face with someone, but when you have the barrier of technology between you, you can still use things like a double entendres, and still make sure that you're coming across as playful and cute.

It's almost a more powerful tool to flirting when you're on text because it's her voice in her own head that's speaking to her and it's like direct access to her brain. Your words are as well, and you've got the tonality, etc, but being able to use punctuation and things like bold and capital letters and stuff to really emphasize things; using winks, using emoticons of text can really come across well when texting with a girl. In texting it's all about what you say and how you say it.

You don't necessarily have emoticons in a lot of phones these days, you have the universal wink or the smiley face symbols that you could use, and really painting those pictures using parentheses, things like that, that's going to really help you express cuteness in your messages and that flirtatiousness through text. Give her a wink, a smile, a little something extra to show your interest.

If you were to type something that you'd say in person without any of those punctuations or anything like that, then it's either going to look weird or she's just not going to get the point or the pictures and she'll just think it's a friendly text or a weird looking text. Those things are needed when you are going for the double entendres and things like that in text, and without them it'll just look weird. You don't want her to get a creepy or strange vibe from a message you are trying to make flirty and fun.

When you are talking about words and when you're trying to use them with a woman, you need to know how much to write, and when to stop. Novel sized texts, long drawn out texts, can come across as boring or just too much. Texting is about small, fun, and flirty comments being sent back and forth quickly. Don't take too much time it can be a turn off if a girl is waiting on your responses.

There are some guidelines you should follow with text; keep things short, keep thing intriguing. You don't necessarily have to reply to everything that she writes, long novels, pages of stuff are things that you want to stay away from, because that's going to send the girl in the opposite direction; it's going to repel her not attract her. There are also some amazing resources around that guys can look at that goes from A to Z on texting and the dos and don'ts, and that's something that will really help a guy out. Remember, keep it fun, keep it cute, and keep it flirty.

Labels: students improve scores  look beaten dog  became friends worst  long running happiness  qanda gotta flirting  dating write  want guy  triplicate girl 147  


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