
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Traditional Online Dating

Traditional Online Dating Image
Do guys send you messages on Facebook before you begin texting? Have you wondered about that cute stranger's avatar on Twitter? It seems that communication via social media has influenced the world of dating. Traditional online dating (making a profile describing your interests and what you're looking for in a relationship) now has less of a stigma, yet not every 20-something New Yorker is rushing to sign up. While I do have friends who have found love (and even marriage) online, I have more friends who prefer to meet guys the good ole' fashion way - drunk at bars in the Lower East Side, through friends at an apartment party, or while shopping at Whole Foods for coconut water.

As a Facebook user since my junior year of college in 2005, I have seen many guys use this social network to contact and flirt. You get a friend request from a guy from your past - maybe he was in your high school AP English class or a dude you met at a party a few months ago. So, you accept his friendship, because you do kinda know him. And then it all begins... He "pokes" you. Then sends a private message. And comments on the photos from your 21st birthday keg party. Eventually he finds a reason to write on your wall. And maybe you exchange numbers and begin texting before he convinces you to go out for drinks.

Connecting on Twitter is completely different, as most of your followers are strangers, not real life friends (or friends of friends). Have you tweeted with a cutie who eventually send you a DM (Direct Message, for those of you who are not Twitter users) asking you a question? Then exchanging emails and phone numbers? Guys seem to be willing to be forward on Twitter. Maybe because if they are rejected it won't feel as personal, since they haven't met you and most likely won't run into you, as you aren't in the same circle.

Have you ever met (and possibly dated) someone from a social media network? xo

Labels: she eyes says  adjust someone  day love  has lover  she smart hundred  about snow  online dating success  sexual attraction  two types artists  use skills attract  


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