Preparing for the future and all that it may entail, is about far more then financial security. Money and status will not help you if you lose your job or to deal with ill health, relationship problems and loss, to name but a few challenges you may encounter. Physical health is but one aspect of a whole person. I believe that for optimum well being, it is important to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. It has been well documented that long term emotional stress can cause debilitating health problems.
To be prepared for the future, think carefully about what you eat, and any unhealthy eating and drinking habits you may have. Could you be fitter? Are you making sure you get enough exercise? Do you regularly relax or have a hobby that helps you unwind?
I believe the best investment we can make, to protect and guide us in the future; is in our own self growth. Acquiring self-growth, through self-knowledge is a gift from you, to yourself! Understanding oneself and what one needs for inner peace and happiness gives us the insight we need to make the right choices. Contrary to what many may think; most people know their friends better, what makes them tick, then they know themselves.
Emotional health, is incredibly important. So ask yourself; Am I happy with my life, if the answer is No, then ask yourself why? Do you interact with people who are good for you, inspire and uplift you? If the answer is No, then ask yourself why? This type of internal dialogue is very important. It is you, consciously acknowledging that something is wrong. Start a journal or diary. I believe when we write down what we are thinking, the very act forces us to address issues and problems that we have previously pushed to the back of our minds. Wherever you find area's of your life that you are not happy with and is literally making you sick, think seriously about doing something to change it.
Not all inner reflection is about addressing negativity in life. It can also be used as a way of manifesting positive changes, or a wish list. For example; Have you ever wanted to learn a new skill, or hobby? Would you like to travel and see the world? If the answer is yes, then start making plans on how to make these things happen. It is believed, that the power of our thoughts create our reality. The energy that thoughts emit, influence those around us and attracts to us, like-minded others. That is why it is so important to keep your thoughts positive. For if what we think we create and attract to us, it can work just as easily in the negative as it can in the positive.
Get into the habit of being 'aware' of your thoughts. By doing this you can take control of where they are going. So if you notice yourself becoming disheartened or depressed. Immediately think of something positive, something joyful, something on your wish list! If you do this regularly, it will start to become second nature, and before you know it, you have changed your mindset from pessimist, to optimist! It is never easy, but this is you, investing in yourself. If you are not prepared to do it, then who will?
Staying true to yourself and following your own inner moral compass is very important. Each time you go against this, slowly but surely you chip away at your own sense of inner integrity and self worth. I believe that if we stay true to ourselves, even when things go wrong it is easier to recover and re- focus, then it would be if we allowed others to make our decisions for us. Remember that just because one course of action was unsuccessful, it does not mean that all your decisions and choices will be. All that matters is that we learn from the experience and move on. Do not let past mistakes stop you from trying again. Every situation is different. To not go on, would be far worse then any mistake you could possibly make.
Develop a strong inner core and foundation, that comes from self understanding and positivity. Having a positive attitude will sustain you when life is difficult. No only will it sustain you, but it will also sustain those around you, that you love and care for. Be an example to others, show them what a positive attitude and a appreciation for life can do. Look forward to the future, and the life you envision for yourself. You have the power to make it happen!
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