
Friday, November 25, 2011

Rebel Wilson Super Fun Night Trailer

Rebel Wilson Super Fun Night Trailer
Aussie comedy quality Rebel Wilson has scored a new American TV show - called massive Fun Murky - and the trailer has just inside. Roundabouts it is:

In the show, Rebel Wilson plays see attorney Kimmie Boubier, and her two best friends are Helen-Alice (Liza Lapira) and Marika (Lauren Ash). They have had a standing date every Friday night for the snag 13 kick - they nevertheless have a motto for what they call "Friday Murky Fun Murky": "Continuously together! Continuously Inside!"

But Kimmie's up to date support throws a spanner in the works: not only is she now accomplishment with her star, "Lady Lawyer of the Time" Felicity Vanderstone (Kelen Coleman), but she meets a self-confidently substantial British attorney, Richard Lovell (Kevin Bishop), who invites her to his party at a hip club.

Overweight to go down time with Richard and heed Felicity's advice to conduit, Kimmie sets out to make somebody believe you her friends to lift Tremendous Fun Murky on the aim.

massive Fun Murky was in black and white and executive formed by Rebel Wilson. Governmental producers are Conan O'Brien, David Kissinger, and director John Riggi ('30 Stagger). massive Fun Murky is from Conan O'Brien's problem company, Conaco Prods and is formed by Warner Bros. Monitor.

Roundabouts is Rebel on set.


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