Recently he began what could very well turn into a small series, depending on feedback. For now, this is a pure, 100% FREE, downloadable PDF. To find it, go to TEXTING GIRLS DISSECTED. Also, beware of the side banners. To make sure you click the proper download button, see the picture below.
A 31-page mini e-book entitled showing all sorts of authentic text conversations that Jarod broke down and rewrote. In it he revises jokes, removes unnecessary banter, shows the benefits of telling vs. asking, and limits compliments and clich'e comments. The introduction also hints at Hydro's upcoming alliance with MATT ARTISAN due to give birth to their product "THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO TEXTING GIRLS 2.0" which I'll likely be reviewing soon.
What makes his texting style entertaining to read is the outright ballsy messages he sends. Some of them make me envision a guy saying such things in person and pausing to see if he gets slapped.
Unforgiving and cocky, his witty responses never fail to hold women accountable to every little trick they try, intentional or not. Too few utilize such bluntness which is why reading this is the first step toward texting without fear.
But he's only straddling the borderline, never crossing it. Some of the texts he critiques are downright hideous, with huge margins for misunderstandings, and one wonders what those being advised were thinking. With the proper tweaking, he brings each chat back to a humorous and productive level.
As counterintuitive as it appears, this is confidence in text format.
Mind you, text game is basically creative writing and flirting merged together so for the sake of staying true to you and your style, practice writing. Check out my earlier post "WRITING YOUR OWN JOKES MADE EASY". Also be sure to check out the book "1,000 CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS: IDEAS FOR BLOGS, SCRIPTS, STORIES AND MORE" by Bryan Cohen for mini exercises you can do to summon your inner author.
You can use canned shit written by others in the beginning, but they won't be there to tell you what to type 24/7. With that said, it's ideal you learn how to improvise independently.
More to come on Hydro in the future.
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