After you are past the initial small talk, ask her, "What are the biggest mistakes guys make when dating online?" Listen carefully to her answers. She's going to tell you a lot about herself and her views on men in general.
Next you should ask her, "What do you really think about online dating?" Now she will tell you if she has had any bad experiences dating o line and help you to avoid making the same things wrong.
Now for the all-important one....."What caused the break up in your last relationship?" If she puts all the blame on the guy, you should probably move on to the next prospect. If she takes all the blame herself, you should probably do the same. If she says the breakup was by mutual consent or that the relationship just wasn't right for either of them, you've heard the right answer. Move forward but always with caution.
Asking the right questions will give you insight and make you more confident when you meet the lady for the first time.
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