She maintained a record of her meetings with Dr. Jung and others as well as her like with them.]
I had an odd survey with Uncle today and would like to notate you about it, the same as it concerns an analysis of Toni and warrant help you with your own family problems, or give you infiltration into them. I asked Onkel why Toni was so hard and graphic and immediate at times, and not at all understanding, sometimes. Uncle designed that she had a imposing mind, was a talent and a person of quality. Her animus is her hard and immediate side which comes throw down whenever the unexpected happens. I designed that to me she seemed like a ratty old man with the gout, and was at moments undesirable. He designed that side of her was nonsensical and fantastic and you repeatedly get such a side with people with a triumphant represent. Intimates sorts of people hold on something original and not easy. While all, everybody has a crumb and Toni has a imposing natural mind. At all Toni cannot stand is something unexpected! One time something changes or something astounding happens, she resists it like hell!
She likes to be complete. One time she is not complete for something separate, it is as if she were tippling over. She expects no entry, and near is one, so she loses her stand in front of, becomes not easy and vanishes out of the imagine. Uncle went on to say that it was contemptuous, but that zoom he might say would help, "If I back a necktie she hasn't accepted, it's all immoral with her! She likes something to be the rule, and is on edge if something unexpected happens. It's far better if one takes the trouble to get her accustomed to the astounding. He went on to say that she might not comprehend that I would not come to Bollingen, equally invited at the rear of Tommy's departure. If she has made up her mind that the evil spirit is to come, woe unto him if he doesn't appear; he must introduce as she expects to see him, so that she is not defeat by something new to travel over, for she will hold on no "attitude" to it. She is an introvert, and like all introverts, she doubts the unexpected; it is hostile! Extroverts, on the converse, like to hold on supplies separate from what they accepted. They just love it equally something astounding happens.
Toni is a very advanced person, but she comes from a most miserly family, who has lived in Zurich for centuries, and are like hard, old wood, Her mind is the only favorite subject inconsistent in her. If she had not that mind she would be stone-hard. She would live with the gear of her great grandparents; she would not hold on a communication in the address, for the communication can ring to topic something unforeseen! Subsequently Uncle went on to explain that with relations old upper-class families, you do not reside if you hold on a strange name, one which is not upper-class, and one which they hold on not heard ahead, and expose is all right. They must be able to pose the person on level terms.
Subsequently Uncle went on to tell a story about his mother-in-law, who had lived in Schaffhausen for hears; afterwards, coming to Basel, anywhere she inspired in the innermost circles. (Her family tree had been recognized in Schaffhausen as far back as 1430, an old upper-class family.) This mother-in-law went to Ragaz for a cure, and met near atypical old lady like herself, in addition from Base's most miserly set. Of direct they saw plethora a lot of each previous. Here was a girl in Ragaz who was secluded, and seemed very sad. Uncle's mother-in-law, who was a kind-hearted woman, sat down at that time to her on a bench one day, and talked to her, for which the young girl seemed very indebted. The at that time day, Uncle's mother-in-law saw her friend from Basel, who looked horror-struck. She designed to her, "How might you talk to that young person-one doesn't talk to people one doesn't know: she might be the teenager of an executioner!" Such sayings are a fruitful information concerning an being resistance-a dark secret.
I asked Onkel if he couldn't test Toni and cure just about of that joking, the graphic side of her nature, as it was contemptible of her to keep it equally she had the screen to get rid of it, throw down some work with him. He designed one cannot touch that substance with her-one cannot "get at it" - as equally you approach her about it, the exceptionally abomination takes placed as equally something unexpected happens. It is sort of wheels-within-wheels, and one cannot do doesn't matter what about it. She refuses to let one produce the substance. In addition one can't, as the exceptionally illuminate takes place and she gets immediate and traverse. It is stronger than herself. She won't own up to it, and it pushes her unconscious and wont' depart one to approach it. It is like a mine: equally you touch it, it goes off. You can't touch a mine: it is arrogant, he designed. "So I dismissed it and hold on not tried to cure her, as she can't be tackled yet. Possibly in time she can approach it, her great problem. But relations humors of hers, relations grouches, are light garbage and don't make caution, so don't' pay any attention to them.
I told uncle that for a long time (beginning September) I had seen that her queerness and rudeness were absurd; that I had made up my mind to disparage them and just discharge her for her good sides, which were oodles. He designed that was the favorite subject to do. ~"Jung, My Close relative and I;" Pages 233-236
Image: Spent Toni Wolf; Heart Remarkable Man, Toni Wolff, Carl Jung; Attractive Toni Wolff.
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