
Sunday, May 10, 2009

To Win Back Love May Seem Impossible But It Can Be Done

To Win Back Love May Seem Impossible But It Can Be Done

Get back with your ex

What does it take to win back love? That is not an easy question to answer since there are so many variables that come into play. And since every relationship is different the same rules do not apply for everyone. But, as a general rule, to bring that special person back into your life there are a few things that can be done.

First things first: let things cool off for awhile. This might be a few days or a week or more, depending on how things ended. If it was a particularly ugly breakup it might need for time than that. The key here is not to rush it.

An important point to make here is not to be needy. Neither men nor women like for their significant other to be needy. This is the same as holding up a sign that says, "I'm going to smother you". If it doesn't send people running immediately, it will, at the least, put them on the defense.

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Giving the person their space will also give them time to think over what has happened. They will wonder if it were for the best, or if it was a mistake. You want them to have this time to reconsider the situation. That way, there is no outside influence from you. All of their decisions and feelings will be forced to come from only them and no outside persuasion. That way, whatever they decide cannot be blamed on anyone else: they will have to take sole responsibility.

Once the cooling-off period has lapsed, then it is time to make contact. This does not need to be anything serious: just idle conversation. This is not the time to fall apart. Hopefully, the separation period has allowed sufficient time for grieving and you can present yourself more put together and rational.

If they are willing to meet- play it cool. No collapsing and weeping uncontrollably. Treat them like a good friend seeing another good friend and let them establish how they want to react. Let them offer to hug, to kiss or whatever they decide. This will give you an indication of how far off you are from mending things.

Bring up that you would like to try again and this time take it slower. This shows that you are not desperate, but that you are still interested in them. You can't force someone back into love, but you can ease them into it. If you are going to win back love it takes time and patience on both parts.

6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with you

How to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce



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