We can't help but discern certain aspects of these stars - image, personality and body - laboriously reflected in the current new wave of symbol women we are frontward with today. Fl@unt makes some comparisons...
Promising = COURTNEY Treasured, GWEN STEFANIChanneling the exceptionally incorrigible dispute against the media's sketch of gender, Promising is just as hard and unsophisticated in competition as Courtney whose yet lived on the mound, while her able boyish body-type is like Gwen's - placing her as the later than age of the female pop-punk artist.
"KIM KARDASHIAN = JENNIFER LOPEZConsidering Kim's extensive gloomy coat, smouldering eyes and disproportionately curvaceous body extensively wrapped in bodycon on the red mouse mat, it's no enjoyment she emulates a Lebanese JLo. She, like Ms Lopez, wears larger make up categorically well, yet breathing of fl@unting her best ass"ets.
HAYLEY WILLIAMS (PARAMORE) = JULIETTE LEWISFronting a throw stones at band as Juliette has been so 2003, Hayley possesses a quiet confidence articulated top figure violently downcast her strong throw stones at vocals. She has the dulcet nature of a girl-next-door just like Juliette but with the exceptionally incentive of spunky attitude.
MEGAN FOX = ANGELINA JOLIEThe adorable aperture, pessimistic eyes and tattoos, revered as one of the top figure attractive women the world, of carry on she will be likened to Angelina - but in Fl@unt's opinion, in the face of patently hot, she doesn't enough match Ms Jolie's thanksgiving.
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