
Monday, July 8, 2013

Beliefs You Dont Bring Me Flowers

Beliefs You Dont Bring Me Flowers
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Our beliefs shape our lives and create great success or failure. There is a natural process to our beliefs, which are changing all the time. Every now and again we outgrow a belief and it becomes what we call a limiting belief.

By understanding the structure of beliefs we can help those around us update rules and constructs that may be holding someone back.

We make the world fit our realities and not the other way around, or as Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or cannot, you are correct" A different way of thinking of this would be that beliefs tend to be the rules we have set up for ourselves.

Beliefs are often expressed as a cause and effect statement. For example: someone may say, "He does not love me because he does not bring me flowers" we note two different sides to this statement connected by the word because.

It's good to be aware that when the sentence is reversed the connecting word becomes "means" for example "he does not bring me flowers which means he does not love me"

When working with beliefs we may only hear half of the belief. When someone says, "He does not love me," we would say "because" and this gives us the rest of the belief. Or someone may say, "He does not bring me flowers" we would then say "which means" and this give us the full belief.

When a belief is limiting then we want to find out the both sides of the belief. We can then challenge the belief by choosing which side to change. In our example "How does not bringing you flowers mean that they don't love you?" Normally a connection between inner world and the world around us


In our example we note that the inner world is the "Love" and the outer world is the act of "bring flowers"

This is one of the reasons why the challenging of one side of the belief can act so well. The key is to create a disconnect between the inner and outer world.

Sometimes there is a chain of either outer or inner world events or emotions. Example: "Does not bring me flowers" which means "Does not phone during the day" which means "Seems to work all the time" which means, "Does not love me any more". Now we have the chain of rules for this person to feel love. 1. You bring a small gift i.e. flowers 2. Phone call when away i.e. at work and 3. Give attention on a regular basis, which equals Love.

Bertrand Russell believed in human rights and social justice so in 1963 launched the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. What beliefs do you have that can change the world for better?

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