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A military cannot as effectively destroy a country as a radical shift in the culture can. The West has not had any outside enemies for well over 500 years; the very thought of a European country being invaded and conquered is ludicrous, and that's just from an American perspective. For my European readers, the idea of "America" being conquered by a foreign power is simply so far beyond our imaginations that an alien invasion is more likely in our minds. To put it simply: the West cannot be destroyed by an outsider. If it was ever going to end, it would be by suicide. By the time a foreign power decides to come in, it wouldn't be as a conquering force, but as the new owners. The Anglosphere, Scandinavia, and Southern Europe have caught the plague and are dying from the inside out. The plague is 'societal decay', and you can't catch it by accident. For the United States, a change in the way our government and its people operated started with the Civil War (aka. "The War of Collective Stupidity"). The Gilded Age that followed transformed America from a rural, semi-industrialized nation into an urban, highly industrialized power. The big banks and corporations of today had their start in this era, as did the creation of what we recognize as the modern public school system. The seeds of our ruin had been planted with the early 20th-century requirement of mandatory school attendance for all. With a system set up that gathered the nation's youth together for seven to eight hours a day, five days a week, society-shapers, idealists, progressives, social engineers, and the like found they had a way to change our country without firing a shot. And that is where we begin:MANDATORY PUBLIC SCHOOLING"Public schooling ensures the next generation is fed what the government wants it to know in order to be good, docile worker drones. "Children of today are sedentary to a degree that those who spent their formative years in the 1980s and 1990s could not relate to, even amongst our fellow Millennials. For decades, progressive, environmental, feminist, anti-American dogma has been preached in virtually every classroom across the fruited plains. Sex-ed, diversity training, religious tolerance, all of these have been told to the nations youth, effectively ensuring that we would have a society of young liberals on the rise to accept the New World that is our modern-day "cult of decadence". The historical revisionism has convinced the young of today that America is not and never has been an exceptional and good country. A nation that does not believe in itself has no reason to live. SEXUAL EQUALITY"By teaching that men and women are interchangeable beings, we destroy the relationship between the sexes. "Promiscuity arose when women were told they could be just like men, despite all biological and psychological evidence to the contrary. Women simply cannot be like men for the obvious reason that they are not men; denying this reality only makes one look like an idiot. Men can afford to be promiscuous because they can't get pregnant. Women, on the other hand, can get pregnant and have to carry a child for nine months. Sex is inherently riskier for women due to this natural fact. Men are not equal to women, they're usually smarter, stronger, faster, more prone to disease, injury, and an early grave. Men have more interest in engineering, math, and science than women. Women are more interested in teaching, social relations, human resources, and the traditional female roles that we once accepted for what they obviously were: what women were most gifted in. Men are attracted to sweet, kind, young, beautiful women, and women are attracted to confident, capable, intelligent, and strong men. Today we teach the very opposite and society is just beyond mystified as to why we're in the state we're in. Men and women are not equal, we're complementary.UNRESTRAINED IMMIGRATION AND RACIAL STRIFE"America was founded by English and Scottish Christians (i.e. white guys)." Concepts of liberty, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the men that fought during the American Revolution were predominantly whites. This is a fact of history and is not something to be ashamed of. America is a majority-white nation, but for decades the so-called "minority groups" have been told they were disenfranchised and oppressed by white Americans; to atone for our sins, white men funded through taxation welfare, food stamps (SNAP), and other entitlement programs. Affirmative action has ensured that the most unqualified and inept find their way into positions that should be given to more qualified and capable people. Should Caucasians, East Asians, and Jews find themselves more likely than Blacks and Hispanics to achieve middle and upper class success then we should not demonize the majority for the sake of the minority. I'm not sorry that Jamal Johnson won't be an incompetent doctor; putting the lives of ordinary Americans in the hands of the inept is a stupidly immoral thing for our comfortably protected elites to do. Diversity is not an intrinsic good, and much of the time it's a negative. People can barely get along with their families, so why should they get along any better with their outsiders?Illegal immigration has the same effect on a civilization as pitting various racial groups against one another, except it usually results in the host culture being consumed by the new immigrant population that displaces it. Again, America is pre-dominantly Caucasian nation, and if we want it to remain largely peaceful and prosperous, it would be wise if we removed the vast majority of illegal immigrants before they permanently alter or takeover entire regions.UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE"Ensuring those that don't know what they're talking about have the power to force you to do something to your detriment."By giving the ability to vote to people that don't have a stake in society, that aren't landowners, that don't have jobs, that are criminals, or that vote for socialist/progressive/anti-liberty policies we ensure that the illiterate, unintelligent, self-entitled, violent, anti-American, and listless classes are given the chance to affect the rest of us. Want to make sure the least likely to do anything of worth have the chance to change what they don't have the barest particle detectable by a hydrogen-ion microscope of understanding about? Let them vote. Lest the impression be given that think I'm sexist (I am) for believing women shouldn't be allowed to vote, I don't think most men should be allowed to vote either. BIRTH CONTROL"Demography is destiny. "Pat Buchanan has been sounding the alarm for years now about how the West has the lowest birthrates in the world. Forms of birth control like the morning after pill and abortion lower the overall population tremendously, but this hasn't transferred over to Africa, the Middle East, Central and South America, and much of Asia. The West is aging and dying, while the rest of the world keeps having children that are flooding America and Europe for the remaining bits of prosperity left there. Our leaders are obsessed with population control and believe that the world is overcrowded, but they're completely and totally incorrect. The fact is, we have more land than we know what to do with, it just so happens that the poorest countries reproduce the most and take care of themselves and their land the worst. Certain regions of the world are overcrowded because they have no idea how to live and build-up their territories. If a nation can feed, house, and clean themselves decently then they usually don't have population problems. Europe doesn't, America doesn't, yet the poorer countries do. There's a common denominator here: poverty leads to overcrowding.CORPORATISM"This may surprise many conservatives and Republicans, but corporations are not a capitalistic development. "The Founding Fathers adamantly rejected corporations: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." --Thomas JeffersonThe East India Company made the tea the colonists threw into the harbor during the Boston Tea Party; it was the largest corporation of it's time. When large corporations and banks are allowed to last for long, they soon dominate the landscape and influence the government to their liking. Money and power are potent things on their own, but together they usually lead to absolute corruption. The inequality of income today has largely been stoked by the wicked levels of authority our corporatist oligarchs wield. Having billions of dollars is capitalist, using that to buy laws and politicians is not.
Taken together, all of these are absolutely ruinous to an advanced civilization such as the West. The cultural and societal decay we have witnessed for decades has come to a head in the collapse of marriage, birth rates, the economy, and civility. To keep First World nations alive and thriving, they must believe in themselves and the goodness that they represent. America reached the pinnacle of human achievement with it's devout Christian heritage, it's love of liberty, and it's capitalist drive for hard work and wealth production. Europe gave birth to science and reason, which allowed it to dominate the world and spread its culture everywhere it's sons went. There are those that envy what the West has achieved and want it for themselves, but they don't deserve it. They want prosperity, but they can't keep it because they don't know how. They want more land, but they ruined the land they came from. The West belongs to Westerners: we are the inheritors of a once-great civilization that can rise to even greater heights than before. In these years ahead, we will have our chance at glory and to prove ourselves to the world that the West is not dead and it's best days are not behind it. The civilization that survived Muslim invasions, the Crusades, the Black Death, and World Wars can surely survive this perfect storm.
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