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Apple has already sold over two million iPhone 5. Pretty much everyone who needs a mobile phone already has one. Some people even have two or three mobile phones. So why is Apple still succeeding in selling every new edition of it iPhones?Manchester ( September 20, 2012 - Apple has already sold over two million iPhone 5. Pretty much everyone who needs a mobile phone already has one. Some people even have two or three mobile phones. So why is Apple still succeeding in selling every new edition of it iPhones? Answer: Apple understands the concept of 'Next Generation Demand' than any other company on planet earth. Do you want to learn how to infuse the concept of 'Next Generation Demand' into the blood stream of your business coaching firm? Download your FREE copy of: How to Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm on Monday 24/09/12 by clicking the below link: * Facts: nine out of ten business coaching Firm are struggling to survive * Facts: nine out of ten business coaching Firms do not have a good marketing system * Facts: nine out of ten business coaching Firms do not have a vision of their finished business * Facts: nine out of ten business coaching Firms do not have a good operational system * Facts: nine out of ten business coaching Firms do not have a good business model * Do you struggle to attract new clients to your business coaching firm? * Do you struggle to retain existing clients? * Do you struggle with seasonal work overload? * Do you have a secession plan? * How do you measure staff productivity? * How do you measure your marketing ROI? * Do you know the bottleneck preventing the growth of your business coaching firm? A new book has been published entitled: How to Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm. The book published by The Business Education Center contains the latest business coaching firm marketing and management strategies. Retail price 102 but download it for FREE from the 24th to the 28th of September by clicking the below link: Every successful business, whether it is the HSBC Bank in the City of London or a cleaning business in a New Delhi ghetto has five things in common: o Visionary leadershipo Great peopleo Good marketing systemo Good system o Good business model VISIONARY LEADERSHIPRay Kroc is known to most people as the founder of McDonalds but as business students know, the McDonalds brothers founded McDonalds. However, the McDonalds brothers knew how to make hamburger. When Kroc came into the business, he saw a vision that was beyond hamburger preparation, he saw an effective business system that could be replicated. Like the McDonald brothers, most businesses coaches are experts in their areas of expertise. However, they lack the vision to see the finished business. Every successful business has within its walls a visionary leader who is capable of envisioning the final product even in its formative stages. Steve Jobs envisioned changing that world - indeed Apple has changed the world. Bill Gates envisioned a computer on every desk, which has come to fruition.Henry Ford envisioned building car for the masses, today car is a necessity not a luxury. But something like vision is intangible. You have to feel it and see it in your mind's eyes. So how do you create a vision for your business coaching firm? Where do you start the envisioning process? The answer is in: How to Effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm. In: How to Effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm, you will learn: o Questions to ask and answer in the vision creation processo How to communication your vision to others to solicit buy-in Retail price 102 but download it for FREE from the 24th to the 28th of September by clicking the below link: GREAT PEOPLEBill Gates once said "Take our best 20 people away, and I will tell you that Microsoft would become an unimportant company." Microsoft has almost half a million staff yet Mr. Gates concedes that taking away just 20 will render Microsoft irrelevant. Those 20 people that Bill Gates spoke about are what Seth Godin called Linchpins: the indispensables. Or those Brad Smart described as 'A talents'. Who are 'A talents'? They are the people with the ability to change the fortune of any organisations. We see them in sport teams. They are the glue that holds the teams together. They are those with the ability to change a game with a single move. 'A talents' are difficult to find. All of them are already employed, so how can a business coaching firm seeking to add 'A talents' to its ranks find them? The answer to this question is in the book: How to Effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm. David Parker the co-founder of HP stated that "No company can grow revenues consistently faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth and still become a great company. If your growth rate in revenues consistently outpaces your growth rate in people, you simply will not-indeed - build a great company". "The ability to make good decisions regarding people represents one of the last reliable sources of competitive advantage, since very few organizations are good at it" Peter Drukker the management guru. Do you want to learn how to attract Linchpins to your business coaching firm? Then you will need to read: How to Effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm. In: How to Effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm, you will learn:o How to recruit 'A talents'o Where to find 'A talents'o How to create conducive working environment to attract 'A talents'o How to create metrics for performance measurement GOOD MARKETING SYSTEM"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted: the trouble is, I don't know which half." The above quotation is attributed to John Wanamaker the merchant king sometimes between 1838 - 1922. It is more than a hundred years since he uttered those words, yet they are still being used by advertising and marketing agencies as an excuse for not being able to demonstrate the return on investment of their services. In 1923 Claude Hopkins wrote in 'Scientific Advertising': "The time has come when advertising has in some hands reached the status of a science. The causes and effects have been analyzed until they are well understood. The correct method of procedure have been proved and established. We know what is most effective, and we act on basic law. Advertising, once a gamble, has thus become, under able direction, one of the safest business ventures". Pause for a moment and reflect on the fact that those words were written in 1923 when the parent of the Google two were not even born. Thanks to Google we now have the ability to measure our advertising within hours, yet advertising and marketing agencies still cite a quotation of the 1800 as an excuse for not being able to provide an accurate return on investment to their clients. Do you know why? Answer most professional entrepreneurs such as business coaches do not know a thing about marketing. You have to inspect what you expect. However, you cannot inspect something if you do not know what result to expect. Marketing fundamentals have not changed since the dawn of time because human behaviour has not changed. You cannot run a successful business coaching firm if you do not understand marketing fundamentals. This is not to say you have to do the marketing yourself, but you need to understand marketing fundamentals so that you know what result to expect either from your in-house sales team or marketing agency. You will learn those marketing fundaments in: How to Effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm. In: How to Effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm, you will learn: o How to position your business coaching firmo How to create new market for your Business coaching firmo How to spy on your competitorso How to effectively use social mediao How to know what constitutes value to your clientso How to conduct value pricing of your coaching services Retail price 102 but download it for FREE from the 24th to the 28th of September by clicking the below link: GOOD SYSTEM"I should estimate that in my experience most troubles and most possibilities for improvement add up to proportions something like this: 94% belong to the system (responsibility of management); 6% special" Edward Deming"We believe that there was one major quality breakthrough in the 1980s... It was not statistical process control, employee involvement, just-in-time, or total quality... It was the realisation by management that the business and manufacturing processes, not the people, is the key to error-free performance". H. James Harrington. The above quotations endeavour to highlight the importance of system in any business. At the commencement of any business venture, the entrepreneur is the system. The entire business operation rests on his shoulder. However, as the business grows, most entrepreneurs fail to grow along with their businesses. They remain the person who responds to the 911 call. The moment they are out of the office, the entire operation grinds to a halt. No business that depends on a single individual or a handful of people will ever grow. For a business to grow, it requires systems that are divorce from the founder or a handful of senior managers. How is such as system created? The answer is in: How to Effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm. In: How to effectively Market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm, you will learn:o How to create an effective coaching business systemo What systems are best suited for business coaching firmso When to begin the process of system creation Retail price 102 but download it for FREE from the 24th to the 28th of September by clicking the below link: GOOD BUSINESS MODELBefore Google, there were other search engines. Before Facebook, there were other social media sites. So what did Google and Facebook get right that the rest of the search engines and social media sites got wrong? GOOGLE AND FACEBOOK HAD BETTER BUSINESS MODELS. In Value Migration, Adrian Slywotzky stated that "A business (model) design is the totality of how a company selects its customers, defines and differentiates its offerings (or responses), defines the tasks it will perform itself and those it will outsource, configures its resources, goes to market, creates utility for customers and captures profits. It is the entire system for delivering utility to customers and earning a profit from that activity". In: The role of the business model in capturing value from innovation, Chesbrough and Rosenbloom stated that there are six specific functions of a business model: Articulate the value proposition - the value created to users by using the product. Identify the market segment - to whom and for what purpose is the product useful; specify how revenue is generated by the firm. Define the value chain - the sequence of activities and information required to allow a company to design, produce, market, deliver and support its product or service. * Estimate the cost structure and profit potential - using the value chain and value proposition identified. * Describe the position of the firm with the value network - link suppliers, customers and competitors. * Formulate the competitive strategy - how will you gain and hold your competitive advantage over competitors or potential new entrants. * The key to the success of any business is the type of business model adopted from the formative stages of the business. Business coaching firms that fail to grow are struggling because they did not create a good business model in their formative stages. What is the best way of developing a good coaching business model? The answer is in: How to Effectively market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm. In: How to Effectively market and Manage a Business Coaching Firm you will learn:o The functions of business model in your business coaching firmo The best business model for a business coaching firm o How to create a coaching firm business model Retail price 102 but download it for FREE from the 24th to the 28th of September by clicking the below link: ### If you are a partner in a business coaching firm or you own a business coaching firm and you want to learn how move your business coaching firm from perpetual start-up to a 7 Figure per annum business, click on the link below to order your FREE copy now: You can download the entire summary of the book for free by clicking on the below link: Manage Coaching.pdf The Business Education Center is the business intelligence hub for professional businesses. The Business Education Center provides business development information to businesses such as private medical practices, dental practices, accounting firms, law firms, consulting firms, business coaching firms, private security firms, corporate training firms and retail organisations. The Business Education Center produce educational materials such as books, audio books, DVDs, home study course and workshops and seminars. For more information about The Business Education Center, please visit: ### CONTACT INFO:ROMEO RICHARDS 0161 945 SOURCE : WHERE DID STEVE JOBS STEAL IPHONES DESIGN FROM - LESSONS FOR BUSINESS COACHING FIRMS?(SHAREWELLNEWSWIRE.COM)
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